Chapter 2

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I open the door with all the strength I have I look into the mans blue eyes and see him staring at me "Do those hurt?' He asks me I can see the worriedness on his face "I- what Oh yeah' I look at my wrist and my ankles "No your not' he reaches for my hand and I back away quickly "Sorry' he says kinda worried about my health I look at him and he looks back at me I can tell he was worried about me and honestly hes hot but I'm not ready for anything right now

Colbys POV:

I was kinda scared she was gonna hurt me but I knew that she wouldn't because shes to quite and shy so I dont think shes gonna kill me I see that her chains are tight on her I want to help her but she wont let me within 4 feet of her but I can tell shes different from other girls she just has something special about her "Hey it's ok I'll get us out of here" as I said that her face lit up but it then turned back into a frown "I tried to leave...he just beats you till you cry or scream loud enough that he thinks someone hears you' she says tearing up I dont know what to do "Shh dont cry I promise I'll get us out of here and I dont break promises' she looks up at me she trys to smile but then it turns to a frown "Can you smile?' She shakes her head I frown and hear the front door open and I hear the man run upstairs "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!' he yells at the both of us "we' I then was cut off by a raspy but confident voice "Talking what do you think?' I look at her with my jaw on the ground "That's it Y/N I'm ending you' She looks at him smiling "Do it I would be happy to not see your face' He walks to her and grabs a dog collar and puts it in her neck at tight as it will go she starts coughing as her face turns purple "Y/N!!' She starts laughing randomly and saying that shes gonna kill him with a bat and knifes "Try is little girl" she rips the collar off and throws it "I'm not little" She stands up wobbling my jaw is still on the floor


I feel my legs start to give out so I fall "See she cant even stand" he starts laughing I stand back up I start to cry as my legs ake in pain I grab my chains "I might be short and weak but I dont give up on getting out of this hell' his eyes looked at my chains what are you gonna do?' He asks me innocently "This' I grab my chains and wrap them around myself "Hurt me' I say demanding him to hurt me Will do princess" he walks up to me and start punching me and kicking me I just sit there I see Colby staring at me like I'm crazy as my kidnapper leaves colby scoots close to me "Can I unwrap you" he asks super kindly I nod in response he un wraps me smiling "Can I hug you?' I ask shyly he nods and smiles I hugs him and hide my head in his chest as he hugs me tightly reassuring that hes here for me I start to fall asleep in his arms

Colbys POV:

I watch her fall asleep in my arms I'm really surprised that she warmed up to me so quickly I felt like when we escape we could be friends I would really love that but idk about her she may not be in a good state so I'll wait awhile its been about 3 hours and she hasn't woke up wich is kinda weird "Y/N wake upppp' she wakes up and yawns so cutely "I'm awake' she runs her eyes "Good morning Y/N' she smiles just a little "You smiled!!' She jumped "Sorry' I say hugging her "Its ok" she says whispering we sit in silence for awhile "i want die' she says starting to cry "Y/N no dont think like that please' I say trying not to cry "Why I've been here for 4 years and nobody's even looking for me so it wouldn't make a difference' I look into her eyes and see how heartbroken she is "Hey you may think nobody cares about you because nobodys looking for you but people have been looking for you for 4 years and I care about you probably more then anyone rn' she looks at me confused "You care about me?' She tilts her head "Yeah why wouldn't i?' I ask kindly "Because you dont know me' I shake my head "I know you well enough that I like you' she looks deep Into my eyes "Whatever' she says sassy I just nod "She crawls to the other side of the room and grabs a paper clip and takes the chains off her ankles and wrists I stare at her "What?' She says kinda annoyed "your leaving!?' I ask kinda freaking out "Duh if I die well at least I died trying' she says kinda scared I wanted to tell her before I lost her to whatever "Y/N i-' she looks at me "What?' I grab her shoulders "Im in love you' I feel my cheeks flush into a dark red "Really?' I nod slowly "I dont even know your name and I'm psycho' I look at her "Your perfect that's what you are" I smile at her she gets up and grabs my hand "let's go!' She runs out of the house holding my hand and she instantly falls from how bright it is outside "Y/N GET UP!!' I yell scaring her 'I'm sorry but get up!" She gets up and spins around looking at everything "its so bright!' I smile but then grab her hand and run to the trap house "BOYS IM HOME!" I yell at the house and everyone comes downstairs "who's she?' Corey asks she looks at him "I'm Y/N' I nod Sam instantly pulls out his phone and looks her up "Holy shit" his jaw drops

TBC honestly I suck at these but there so fun to make and i feel like nobody will ever read this :( well enjoy :)

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