chapter 11 :{)

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Faith's POV

I wake up to nobody in the bed I was sad at this point I was sad all the time so it wasn't much different till I heard Colby Brock in my fucking apartment I get up and storm to the living room "Ugh hes here" I say looking at Colby and glaring at him "Someone woke up crabby today?" He says laughing "I'm gonna kill you!!" I grab and knife and start running at him with it till man arms grab me "Faith calm down" Jake says holding me in his arms "Your lucky Brock!" I yell at him and he just stares at me in shock I start breathing fast and shaking "Call Aaron now!!" Is all I mange to say Jake calls Aaron and Aaron comes over "Hey hey Faith it's ok I'm here I'll be right back" he hoes to my room and grabs my guitar and sist in front of me he starts singing my song Løvley it makes me smile and feel better "Faith...I'm sorry" colby chimes in and sist next to Aaron "I'm not taking you back" I turn to face away from him "You didn't give me a chance!" He grabs my shoulders and looks at me "I'm takin by the best and I love him!" I say grabbing his hands off my shoulders "HES FUCKING CHEATING ON YOU THATS WHY HES NOT FUCKING HERE FAITH!! HE TOLD ME TO FUCKING MAKES SURE YOU DONT FIND OUT!!!" He screams in my face as tears fall from my eyes I look at Colby and then Aaron and cry more "Dont cry Faith" Jake says hugging me "Are you using me too?" I turns around and ask jake he quickly shakes his head and hugs me tightly

Colbys POV

Brennens gonnna kill MEEEE I shouldn't have said anything shoot what do I do!!! AHHHHHHH "There there" i pat her shoulder "Wtf!" She says "sorry" i pull my hand away and talk to Aaron "Hey A wanna take me to a club? I need a hookup tonight" she smiles wildly but behind that smile is someone crying inside her face has tear stains on them "How about you me Aaron Jake all watch a movie and eat junk food and maybe play truth or dare Oh and Sammy can come too!" I try and lighten the mood a little "Ok sure I guess" everyone else nods Aaron gets snacks Jake gets blankets and pillows Me and Sam get the bored games and cards Faith turns my on and dances her stress away and I loved it when she dances its makes me feel like shes back to her normal self yk? "Colby this is how to save a life" she said to me it scared me when she said that I nodded in response "I've lost a friend...I couldn't save her but now I save who ever trys to uh die" my face goes pail and all I do od nod as my response "Well all to them about there flaws and make them not flaws anymore, tell them they dont need to make other people happy to be happy, oh and comfort them hug the make them believe they are worth living, and make sure to tell them that they make everything and everyone happy and is loved but it is also seen as hate" she smiles and wipes a few of her tears "o-ok" I said something's up I can feel it in my stomach but I cant put my finger on it

Faith's POV

I told him all the stuff to do when someone feels like killing them self's I only did it to protect him and myself and if he ever feels like that he can use it on himself or he could use it to help me or anyone else I just wish I would have said that stuff to Sage before she left me "h-how did y-your f-friend d-ie?" He asks with tears in his eyes I sigh "We went to do a photoshoot on a roof she looked at me then jumped right in front of me" I say as more tears stream down my face he wipes them away and smiles a little "I'm sorry she left like that" he then pulls me I to a hug and comforts me "that's mostly why I keep doing what I'm doing" I pull up my sleeves and reveals new cuts and some old "Faith! I thought Aaron said you can do anything but cut!" He yells grabbing my arm I whimper in pain and he let's me go "Faith I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he says with remorse is his voice "Shhh it's fine" I roll my sleeves down and let out a loud sigh "Let's party no more sad crying bitch moments let's get drunk with le bois!" I yell and Colbu smiles at me making me smile

Sammy gets to le apartment ;)

Colbys POV

"LETS PLAY SEXUAL TRUTH OR DARE!!" Jake and Sam yell my eyes widened "ok then" we all get in a circle "Faithhhhhhhh truth or dare" Jake throws a napkin at her "GAA jesus Dare!" she says throwing the napkin away "Add someone on Snap and as for nudes" he says laughing "Bet!" She gets her phone out and we all watch her they guy adds her back

Faith_xo: Hey bby

Carlos.dood: hey

Faith_xo: s3nd n00ds

Carlos.dood: since when do we spell with letters?

Faith_xo: uhhh now d00f

Carlos.dood: still want thos n00ds?

Faith_xo: h3ck y3ah!

Carlos.dood: *N00d*

she throws her phone at the TV " BAHA HE SENT YOU NUDES AND HIS DICK IS SMALL" She yells and we all doe die laughing "send one back" Jake smirks " how about not" I clench my jaw down hoping she doesn't agree to it "Uhh well I'm good it was just a joke anyway haha" shes says super uncomfortable "HEY!!! Sam truth are dare?" I yell trying to get all the eyes off Faith "Truth!" He smirks at me then everyone else "Is I true you like Faith??" I ask smirking at him "I- uhh no pfft" I nod at him trying not to laugh "Faith trueth6or datr!" Jake yells again "Damn boo stfu but dare" she face palms and stares in at him angrily "Makeout with sam" he says crossing his arms and smirking "Bet?" She says "Bet!" Hey believing she wont do it I honestly dont think she will but then the impossible happens:( she grabs his face and starts making iut with him and hes doing it too I felt like diying right then and there I lo e her inevery7way AND SHES SUCKING HIS FACE OFF!!! AND NOT MINE?? "Please stop" I say trying not to start crying they pull and she whispers in Jake's ear

Jake's POV

"That did6mean anyone to me so dont you dare tease be that I like him" she whispers in my ear sending chills dow my spine "Ok mamas" I say pushing je back down to her spot Colbu was so angry you can see his veins popping out more then usual Faith just laughed at him shes high as hell so that's why "Faith that's rude to laugh at pe6who are jealous" I say laughing and he just sitting there staring at us sam just sits there "Guys yall suck dick" faith says grabbing Colbys hand and taking him to the blue tooth speaker and plays Lose my mind by Dean Lewis she grabs his hand again and takes him to the middle of the room and wraps his hand around her waist and wraps her hand around her neck they start slow dancing "Awwww" we all say with tears in our eyes "ShHHH DINT RUIN IT" she yells at at us and we just watch Colby smiles at her and she smiles back

Colbys POV

I was slow danceing with herrrrrr aggggggghehehehe " so what does this whole dance thing mean?" I say JOLY SHIT WHY DID I ASK THAT. WELp hell here I come!, "it could mean anything" she shrugs "but I'm not gonna date anymore or right now I'm a free woman" she giggles shes high asssssss heeeaakkk the sings ends and GOODMORNING TOKYO comes on "oh shit!" I say and Faith is dancing like crazy "I FOUMD WEEDDDD!!" She yells and grabs a bag full of weed "Uhhh" we all say "IMMA SNORT TIT!" we laugh at her saying tit she then pours the whole bag up her nose "THATS NOT HOW THAT STUFF WORKS!!" Jake yells running to her and flipping her upside down "COME OUT WEEEEDDDD!'" He yells "WOoo it's going in my brain" Jake puts her down and her eyes roll in the back of her head "Isss that normal?" I ask worried "Yeahhh" he lies "Mhm sure" she sneezes and weed come our of her nose "Eww but ight" Jake says "Colby wanna fuck?" She asks grabbing my shirt pulling her closer to her "Uh i- yeah no maybe" I shrug "I guess that's a yes" her eyes are full with lust wich scares me she stands up and drags me in ti her and Brennens room I guess I gotta take advantage of her right??


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