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For the next few days everything was normal. That was until the teacher told us to start training for the sports festival. I was excited. Other student had told me about the past years sports festival and it had me excited. I had been looking for a good fight. It's been a while. That's until Nezu called me to his office.

Walking to his office I run into my least favorite hero, Allmight. Yes I still hold a grudge against him. He smiles back anyway, most likely not sensing my distaste for his presence.

I knock on the door to nezus office." Cecilia I'm glad your here. Please sit theres much we need to discuss." I do taking a seat." Now cecilia as you know the U.A high sports festival is coming up. It was a hard decision, but the teachers and I think it best of you not participate this year." I stare shocked at the principle.

"But why, isn't this schools goal to help students become heroes?" He sighs." It is but between everything you've showed us. Your combat ability, agility, your alchemy as you say far out ways most of out students. It wouldnt be fair to some other students. Which brings me to the next discussion. We want to move you to a more advanced class."

I just could think for a moment until his words and fully sunk in. Standing I grit my teeth." No. Dont move me. As much as you think it best I wont. Everyone in class 1A has become my friend and I wont lose them."

Nezu stares at me surprised. He sighs." We wont move you, but I'm sorry for this year you wont be participating until we can fully understand what your capable of." I stand tired of hearing this. I leave slamming the door. I head to the school gym, just needing to punch something, anything.

I soon get there and start pulverizing the punching bags. I dont go back to class for the rest of the day.

The next day was saturday so no school. Toshinori was there. Apparently kaminari and kirishima had set up that everyone was to go to the beach. I was excited. Toshinori seemed happy too. Uraraka was going to let me Borrow a swimsuit since I didnt have one.

Toshinori drives us to the beach. I help carry the cooler since toshinori was sick. I find everyone sitting in chairs and building sand castles. Uraraka gives me the suit and I change in the bathroom. Coming back I see everyone going into the water. I ignore all the stares people give my arms and leg. I follow everyone into the water careful not to go to deep. My automails to heavy to swim so I'll immeditly start sinking. I begging splashing momo who laughs splashing me back.

Uraraka and froppy join in. Soon everyone else does to." Hay everyone let's play chicken fight." Kirishima suggests." What's chicken fight?" I ask.

Kaminari smiles and starts explaining." Chicken fight is when someone sits on your shoulders and they try and knock the other group into the water. It's fun." I shrug, nodding." Sure I'll play." Soon everyone finds a team member. Everyone except me and bakugo, so we ended up teaming up." Hurry and get on." Bakugo says leaning down ready for me to get on his shoulders." Um bakugo. I dont think that's such a good idea. I know I look small. But I'm going to crush you if I get on."

He frown." No you wont I'm stronger then you think. Just hurry up and get on." I shrug, his funeral. I get on watching in amusement as bakugo lifts me from the water into the air. I almost laugh when I see his struggling form." Bakugo are you sure. I can tell I'm hurting you" He nods determination in his eyes. I nod, knowing I wont convince him other wise.

We go up against kaminari and momo first. Of course we win. One after the other we win each match. Soon I get off watching as bakugo practicaly collapses." Told you I was heavy. Next time just let me carry you." I laugh. "Hay guys let's go tubing." Everyone agrees while I stand there trying to figure out what tubing is.

Everyone gets out of the water and we slowly make it to the end of the beach. I watch as my classmates start putting on strange vests. I put one on too. Turning to bakugo,I ask him what tubing is. He tsks before smirking." Its fun, dont worry you'll like it." I nod,we both wait for our turn. From what I could see it looked really fun." Hay bakugo I wont fall out will I?" He shakes his head." No you'll be fine. He says leading me over to where me, bakugo and kirishima get on. I sit on the right side as bakugo sits in the middle and kirishima in the left.

 I sit on the right side as bakugo sits in the middle and kirishima in the left

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I hold on tightly to the straps as the boat begins jerking us around. I smile and start laughing. This was so much fun. Suddenly a giant wave comes towards the boat. The boat goes over the wave and the wave comes at us. I gasp as we're hit and I'm suddenly knocked free. Gasping I struggle to stay surface it was no use. My auto mail was to heavy. It weighed more then my actual body weight.

I sit on the shore watching as Cecilia enjoys tubing for the first time. It looked like she was having so much fun. She was laughing until the tube got hit by a massive wave. Shes knocked out of the tub falling into the water. I watch for a few seconds waiting for her to come back up. But she doesnt. Jumping up I begin swimming out to where I last saw her. "SOMEONE CALL THE LIFE GUARD." I scream looking around in the water to where I last saw cecilia. I couldnt see her.

I struggle to breath as my body sinks to the bottom. I had to swim. This life jacket wasnt helping in the slightest. Was I going to die? No, not like this. I kick harder but it was no use. Du what was I thinking alchemy. Slamming my hands down on the soft sand a pillar of rock takes me up and up and up until I burst out of the water. I cough, spitting out the water and catching my breath.

A few yards away Kirishima, Midoriya and bakugo were in the water, most likely searching for my body. I just sit for a moment enjoying life. I'm not dead. I thought I was going to die.

"CECILIA ARE YOU OK?" kirishims yells. I smile nodding."YAH IM FINE......... HOW AM I GOING TO GET BACK TO SHORE?" they all look at eachother.

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