chapter 1

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The 3 envelope + 1 mail


He said expressing his deepest feeling. He only found the scene of the delinquents and the boy running ironic. He did not get any real enjoyment out of it. He laughed loudly, but it was just for show. Sakamaki Izayoi let his feeling of emptiness go with a deep sigh, and turned his back on the riverside.


Woosh. At the same time he started to move, a strong sideway win started blowing. A black sealed letter was dancing in the wind and – after following a very unnatural trajectory – delivered itself into Izayoi's bag.

"…What the hell was that?"

He took out the mysterious letter.

The recipient's name was written neatly on the envelope: "To Sakamaki Izayoi-dono."

"…Ludicrous, even against that Ojii-sama, this is all it took. It is really laughable."

Kudou Asuka grasped the bedsheet tightly, lying face down. Relationships where the only answer you hear is "Yes" are plain and without substance. To put it simply, she could only build meaningless relationships, and she was really tired of those meaningless relationships.

Asuka's eyes wandered around the room, suddenly fixated on a suspicious sealed envelope that was left on the desk.


Asuka titled her head.

She immediately glanced at all the possible entrances, the door, the window, the emergency escape route, but they were all locked and none showed any signs of entry.

"…Fufu. I don't know who you are, but a 'sealed room letter' instead of a 'sealed room murder'. I like your style."

She even forgot about the blazing heat, and for the first time in a very long time, a smile appeared on her face. She joyfully broke the seal on the envelope.

"So-something very strange happened, Yo-ojou-chan! A letter addressed to you fell from the sky!"

"From the sky?"

For your information, the cat was just a normal calico cat. The one special in some way was not the cat but the girl, Kasukabe Yo. The calico pushed the letter into Yo hands while trying to climb up to her shoulder.

"Don't misunderstand, Ojou! I am not kidding at all! This letter really fell from the sky!"

The calico cat sounded like he was making excuses, so she gently patted his head and lifted him up.

"I believe you. You're telling the truth."

Her tone was calm and soothing so the calico cat calmed down for a moment, but then became very interested at the content of the envelope, so he looked at her pleadingly.

"Ojou, please open it already! I will lose all my fur from anticipation!"


"Boys and girls with wondrous talent and much distress,

I address thee!

If you strive to test your Gifts, cast aside your friends and family, your possession, your world,

and come to our Little Garden!"

It is?"

While enjoying afternoon nap, Kaida receive a notification that she got a mail. When she see it, it was mail from the goddess and the content is like that. It was an invitation from the goddess to go to the Mondaijitachi Universe.

Kaida Multiverse Journey: Mondaijitachi ga Isekai kara Kuru sou desu you?Where stories live. Discover now