chapter 4

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As the night slipped into the small hours, the stars twinkled in the heavens beside the full moon that was late by a night which shone upon the world of Little Garden with its soft glow.

Walking along the path illuminated by the street lights, Izayoi maintained his fast stroll while gazing up upon the starry night skies.

"If this kind of beautiful scenery was to be found in my world, this location would require entrance fee."

Walking on the stone path was Izayoi, Kaida, Asuka, Yo, Kuro Usagi, Leticia and captured [Pegasus] member. When they arrived at the shop of Thousand Eyes, waiting for them at the doorway was the same expressionless shop assistant.

The shop assistance show surprise expression looking at Leticia and [Pegasus] member behind [No Name] group but quickly back to her usual expressionless face.

"Your arrival has been long awaited. The shop manager and Laius-sama are waiting for you inside."

"Hee.. then the talk will be easy. Please show the way."(Kaida)

Kuro Usagi and the others then entered the shop to pass through the courtyard that led to the other building inside the shop.

Laius, the one with a lean build and white hair immediately cheered in an exaggerated fashion upon seeing Kuro Usagi.

"Woah! A rabbit! It's my first time seeing one! I heard the rumors, but I've never thought that there would really be one in the East side! So, how about coming to my side? I will provide you three meals a day, a collar and loving tender care every night."

Asuka then stepped forward to act as a screen that blocked Kuro usage from his view.

"Rejected. Kuro Usagi will never let anyone who doesn't even know the slightest of etiquette and manner see her body."

"Eh? I thought the reason for your way of dressing was for the desire to be seen?"

"Th-this is what Shiroyasha-sama asked Kuro Usagi to wear when she acts as judge! Because she promised to pay triple if I could be in this attire at any time and place!"

"Oy, Shiroyash!"

"What, lad?"

Izayoi glared at Shiroyasha fiercely. After exchanging their stare for a while, they both raised their right thumbs.

"Very GOOD JOB!"

"Well? Anyway, Laius-kun right? I know that our Kuro Usagi is cute but.... did you not see Vampire bishoujo behind us? Fufufu."

Kaida cut the comedy scene and say something provoking Laius. Hearing that Laius feel alarmed and after seeing Leticia and [Pegasus] bunch behind [No Name] he enraged.

"What the meaning of this!?"

"Iya~ when we [No Name] decide to going to rest some bunch of ruffian decide to mess with us, sigh.. ~that why we come here to complain."(Izayoi)


Hearing that Laius feel more enraged.

Just then, the shop assistant outside the building gave her assistance to the situation.

"If everyone is willing, would you like to shift to the guest room in the shop's interior?"

Upon arriving at the guest room, they had taken their position with the four facing the two of Thousand Eyes cadres as they sat down respectively.

"Ahem, The rude behavior of the Perseus Community is as aforementioned. May Kuro Usagi confirm that you have understood the matter?"

"Bastard.. are you planning to pick a fight with us [Pegasus] huh!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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