Part 4: KC (Uh Oh)

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Zane's POV:

After we drop Aph off at her house, me and Kawaii~Chan walk down the street to her house. As I turn to leave, Kawaii~Chan pulls me inside by my wrist. Hard. ¨OW!¨ Oh, shoot! I know what she is trying to do! She knows most meif'wa hiss when something like that happens! Fight it Zane, fight it!

Kawaii~Chan's POV:

When Zane~Kun turns to leave my house, I realize I still need to talk to him about what happened earlier. I grab him by his wrist and pull him inside before shutting the door. Apparently I pulled too hard. ¨OW!¨ As I turn around I see Zane~Kun, but he seems distressed. Hmmm. ¨Zane~Kun, Kawaii~Chan is gonna go get something real quick!¨ I go into the bathroom so Zane~Kun can't know what I am thinking.

Wait a sec! The mumbles make sense now! I think I figured out what he was saying! I only heard the words: Zane~Kun, grip, instincts, control. But now it looks like he is trying hard not to do something. Is it possible he said 'I almost said Zane~Kun back there! Get a grip on yourself! Do not let your instincts control you!' back there? I don't know... 

Maybe Emo would know! But I now that I think about it, Emo's brother sounds a lot like Garroth~Kun... Zane is human, right? 

Emo did say I could be his crush since I'm a meif'wa. And Emo has hidden being a meif'wa from everyone...

Could Zane my crush really be Emo the meif'wa?

Hidden: A ZANA storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ