Chapter 1~ Welcome to the devildom

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A/N I just wanted to imagine a scenario where MC falls asleep, putting her lil bro to sleep and boom they're both in the devildom. Ignore my ugly ass art also. When I restyled her I couldn't be bothered coloring her in- maybe soon.

I found myself stood in middle of a room, half asleep. I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up from this unfamiliar scenery.

I let out a small yawn, finally realizing what situation I was in. I remembered the voice I heard in my dreams, someone was calling to me for help and now suddenly I was here.

The room was cold and dark, with countless lights flickering above trying to lighten up this dark room. My eyes darted across the room, finding that the seats were organized just like a courtroom.

The room was huge itself, my ears picked up muttering, realizing I wasn't alone.

Only then did I realize that several men were sat down, watching me with different expressions. Some of boredom, some of disgust and some of interest.

I was beyond terrified right now, I felt trapped and suffocated. My worst fear was coming true right before my eyes.

I pinched myself, hoping that this was a dream, hoping to be back in my bed asleep. I swear I remember putting him to sleep since my mum and dad were busy. I had to take responsibility.

I felt a tug on my arm but ignored it at first.

"Welcome to the Devildom, Ignis" A cheerful voice boomed, making me jump slightly.

A man stood in front of me smiling, he had reddish-brown hair with his bangs parted to his left with tan skin. His eyes were a striking colour of light gold

My eyes widened in surprise, at the sound of my name coming from a strangers mouth.

Confusion mixed with anxiety was evident on my face as the man in front of me noticed, noticed my slight trembling.

"..oh pardon me, feeling a little shocked are we?" he asked, noticing my confusion and panic.

I nodded in response, afraid to say anything. Afraid that it'd end up coming out as gibberish. Not to mention I was slightly embarrassed in my Batman PJ's. My shirt read "It's not my fault" with the Batman logo then reading "Made me". My pants were a baggy grey colour decorated with bats.

"Well, that's understandable. You've just arrived, after all" He responded, smiling reassuringly at me.

The tug came again and I turned around... Only to find my little brother standing there tiredly.

"It'll be okay don't worry.. " I smiled reassuringly at him while he held my hand tighter. Though I wasn't to sure.

I was terrified to say the least and intimidated.

The men in the room didn't seem to notice him, since he was right behind me hiding almost.

"As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom" He explained

I nodded, trying to process this information in my mind, trying to cram it in so I wouldn't forget.

"Were we kidnapped?" I asked nervously, my voice quiet.

"Hmm....what a very human thing to say! Outstanding, I have a feeling you might be just the person we're looking for" he smiled.

My little brother tugged on my shirt, scared. I turned around trying to hide him. I'm not sure who these people thought they were.

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