Chapter 2[Oddly movement]

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<3rd POV>

As Aya was heading to class as she hoped that no one will notice her winting silently as she could as the pain was still bearable for her to go on...she didn't notice that todoroki saw her limping a little as he was curious about this...he when up to Aya to ask about that...

<Todoroki's POV>

I walk up to Aya as I saw her limping a little..."Hey,are you ok?..."I ask her as she froze for a second before looking at me..."O..Oh,hey todoroki...I didn't see you their...and Yeah I'm ok,why?.."
She said as I notice that she was holding her right arm..."I was wondering if your okay from how you were walking a minute ago..." I flatten out said it to her..."I'm fine,really.... Their's no need to get worry about..." She said with a smile as I was suspicious of this before I could say anything else,she ran off like she was scared or something...

[Time skip brought to you by a endve hater president uwub]

<Aya's POV>

I took a deep breathe as things were harder for me to hide as todoroki was starting to suspect me from no saying the truth..Uraraka,Iida,and Izu was starting to get worry of me...and Bakago yelled at me for not saying the truth as well...I wasn't ready nor don't know what was the truth to the cuts on my back and arm that are covered in bandages and I still have 5 more months left before going back to the doctor to find out why I was dreaming like I have a 2nd life...I sighed as things were going to be hard on my self as I check on the clock to see it was 1:67AM in the afternoon and hero class was about to start...I wasn't going to let anything stop me from being a hero...even if I have to hide this situation from my friends....As All might comes in and said we going outside for our hero training at one of the school's gym as everyone was heading to the lockers...I was glad my locker was at the far end as I didn't feel comfortable changing with other girls or anyone in the locker room as I changed out of my school uniform to my hero costume...
(It's the pic on top,but image the hair was white and eyes red...) And looked at my right arm as the cut was about to be fully healed as I closed my locker and head out as All might tells us what we're doing,once everyone is here...
"...Ok,Everyone...We are going to do a rescue mission training... Their are going to be 2 teams as hero's and villain's ...1 villain vs 4 Hero's...The Villains can capture a Hero by tying them with capture tape as they are to be carried to a chair like this..." He showed us a chair that is blue as it showed a bit comfy,almost like something as I started to shake a little from the flashed back that started to show in my mind of my dreams that I have...I didn't notice that Katsu and Izu were looking at me as my skin went pale as All Might continues on with the instructions of the hero He finished with the introductions of the 'training' type game...we're sepret to the two sides and into a 4 person team for the 'game' for the Hero's while the Villan's sit or stand their...I was in the Hero's side for the 'game' with Iida,Todoroki,and Izu as Bakugo was the Villan while Denki,Tsu,Momo,Mina,abd Sero were the victims to be resused for the 'Match' as we need to get the captured citizens before we get to the exit to win the game...
We head to our spots as everyone that went and didn't go to the 'game' matchs,stands at the screening area for the note taking and observing of the the horn when off for the match to begin...[you can start the music if you want to...] I started to run to the area where one of the buildings is at as I saw someone was Tsu as she was sitting their with rope tied around her arms and legs...making her sit as her knees were close to her chest as I ran up to her and start to undo the ropes to free her so we can run and find the others....
After the ropes were undone,I grabbed her hand as we were about to run to find the other...I heard my heart started to beat fast as I slowly look at my chest to see it glow a bright violet....I was confused by this,but mostly scared....I didn't notice that Tsu saw this as I was starting to panic as I started to run away.,run away from where I was at as Things started to spin around my head as questions were popping up like a bullet...

'...W-Why is my chest glowing violet? Am I dreaming again? Is this real?..' But 2 questions that stood out the most that I keep asking myself is...

'...What's going on?...
...D...Did I?.....Did I go Insane?...'

I didn't notice that Izu was here as I was having a panic attack...Izu and Tsu stopped me and tried to calm me down,but I couldn't help but be scared by this...I only have this when I in a match when I was in my dreams,but now this was confusing and well as scary as I hold my breath in fear as I didn't thought my mind would break to see reality from illusions...their,he stood all in glory as my eyes were wide as well as blood shock in body started to shake violently as I looked at his eyes as he stood behind Izu and Tsu...It was Jack,and He was ready to strike down at them...Just then,Without my mind to think fast enough to scream out to them..but instead,my body moved on it's own as I stood up quickly with my arms spread wide as I embrace the soon slashed attack to be placed on my back...Izu and Tsu eyes were wide as the scene went by to almost started to go slow motion as I didn't hear myself scream in pain...I stand their for a second,then the world then started to go black as I felt myself slowly fall down as things quickly turn to black in seconds...The last thing I heard was my name...but it was muffled as I embraced the darkness to my mind now....

...To be Continue...

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