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every time it was jungkook's turn to bowl, he would go over the top with either walking a certain way that made his hips sway or bend down just far enough that his shirt would lift up in all the right places.

he even had the nerve to hug the other players right in front of taehyung's face before smirking and walking away.

it obviously made taehyung aggravated that he couldn't get up and show jungkook that he isn't the only one who could have fun.

"come on, jungkook, i thought you practiced. mingyu's doing better then you and he doesn't even play that often!" bambam said, making jungkook look a bit hurt before he regained his composure and tried again. scoring yet another 8. "aish, no need to practice, i'm already better then jungkook."

as jungkook walked back to his seat, he couldn't help but notice the disapproval written on everyone else's face. were they upset with me or with bambam? jungkook thought because he knew for a fact that he did nothing wrong.

"really now? you think getting a score of 6 back to back is better then a score of 8? and the only reason he isn't 'doing better' is because you keep berating him and causing a distraction while he goes to bowl." taehyung starts to say, "if i didn't know any better then i'd think that your ego is a bit hurt by the fact that someone who just started playing with you is already better then you."

"taehyung, you don't have to-"

"no, jungkook! this isn't a state competition, right? it's friendly competition, and he's even on your team. he should be happy that someone who isn't a total fuck-"

"taehyung, a word?" jungkook interrupts him before he can say something hurtful and mess up his chances of becoming friends with them all.

as jungkook starts to walk to the snack bar, taehyung follows with his shoulders held high.

"you really didn't need to do that," jungkook says and taehyung could already feel the lecture coming-, "but thank you!"

"what- thank you? why are you thanking me?"

"because what you did was nice and applaudable. especially after the way that i treated you earlier today. i should really be saying sorry but-"

"no, you really don't have to. i obviously overstepped-"

"actually, umm, this is going to sound really weird if you were about to tell me that what you said earlier was a mistake but i'd rather say what i have to say now just to get it out of the way."

"go on." taehyung urges, intrigued by what the younger has to tell him.

"i don't really do relationships. they always end in heartbreak, and i don't have time to be feeling hurt because of a boy, you know? i just- i think that part of me wanted to 'reject' you so i wouldn't fall head over heels for you and end up hurt."

"why would i hurt you?" taehyung asks, stepping a bit closer to the younger.

"i don't know, that's why i wanted to tell you that i wasn't trying to be rude or anything like that earlier-"

"i didn't think that, i just thought that i put you in an awkward position by doing what i did. it was a bit too much and for that i apologize."

"don't apologize, you did nothing wrong," jungkook says before taking a step forward as well, "i guess i'm just old fashioned. i thought that you would have asked me on a date before you asked for a kiss."

"jungkook! what you're implying is unethical and outright disgusting." taehyung replies with a straight face, taking another step closer.


"but why would you like to go on a date with little old me?"

"i think you could be someone who ends up being good for my life, good for me and maybe end up showing me that not everything is doomed to end."

"you're making it sound like every relationship is doomed to end."

"i'm a fatalist." jungkook says which makes taehyung scoff.

"okay, i get it," taehyung starts to say before taking another step closer to jungkook and continuing, "you do want to go on a date with me but you won't kiss me until after it?"

"mhm, that's exactly what i said."

despite his words, jungkook takes another step forward and closes the distance between their bodies, making their faces become inches apart.

"so, if i kissed you right now then you would, i don't know, maybe decline my proposal to go on a date?"

"you're just gonna have to take a 50/50 guess," jungkook says, teasingly inching his face forward, "but i'd choose wisely."

before taehyung could say or do anything, eunwoo comes over and jungkook backs away slowly with a smirk plastered on his face that taehyung couldn't miss even if he tried.

"hey, i wanted to say sorry on behalf of my friend. he's normally not like that, he was probably just jealous of you and yugyeom interacting."

"why would he be jealous of a simple little thing like that?"

"have you seen yourself?" eunwoo laughs out before quickly saying, "i just- everyone here knows that you're beautiful and bambam probably thought that yugyeom would fall for you."

"haha, yeah right." jungkook says with a small smile on his face and a blush creeping up slowly but surely.

"i mean it, anyone with brains and eyes would fall for you. which leads me to my next question; jungkook, will you go on a date with me?" eunwoo ask's while rubbing the back of his neck.

jungkook is taken aback by the question and hears taehyung gasp lightly which makes jungkook quickly look over at him to see the older rolling his eyes.

"i'm sorry, i already have a date with someone and it would be a bit awkward to accept another." jungkook explains, with an apologetic smile.

"ah- no, i get it." eunwoo replies before walking back to the other's.

"who do you have a date with?" taehyung asks as he takes a few step closer to jungkook, mimicking their position from before they were rudely interrupted.

"you, you idiot, but you better ask before i go back to eunwoo-"

"jeon jungkook, would you make me the luckiest man on the earth-"

"universe." jungkook corrects.

"the whole damn solar system, and let me take you out to a romantic dinner with a movie afterwards?"

"ahh, i wish i could say yes but there is one little flaw." jungkook says and continues when he see's taehyungs fas contort with confusion written on it, "i prefer to go the movie's before dinner."

"oh, then would you make me the happiest man-"

"oh my goodness, of course i will." jungkook interrupts to say before lightly punching taehyungs shoulder. "then maybe afterwards, we can go back to your place?"

"my place? for what?" taehyung asks with a raised eyebrow.

"i'll let your imagination run wild." jungkook replies, before walking to where the others were and telling them that he was just gonna head home.

taehyung followed shortly after, trying to catch up with the younger before he could leave.

"hey- jungkook- wait-"

"oh, i almost forgot," jungkook says before turning around walking back to taehyung, "here's my number, text me whenever you feel like it. preferably about when our date is."

taehyung didn't have enough time to reply with all that was happening, jungkook giving him his number was expected but jungkook giving him a small kiss on the cheek before walking away and leaving taehyung with a dumbfounded expression on his face definitely was not.

i feel like it's a bit too soft? but don't worry, the next few chapters won't disappoint. 😌

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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