Chapter 3

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Characters: Windlekonig, Bismarck, Tirpitz, ???, Enterprise, Z-23, and Cleveland.

Recap: Tirpitz payed a visit and Z-23 fell asleep.

Back to present

It is the next day and you wake up to see Z-23 still asleep.

Windlekonig: **yawns** I slept good.

Windlekonig: **looks at Z-23** I'm sure that she won't mind if I go out for a walk on the ocean.

Z-23: **zzzzz**

Windlekonig: She's a peaceful sleeper.

You then go out for a walk. After some time, you some how find your way to the docks and on your warship.

Windlekonig: Ich denke, dass ich einen Ausflug machen werde, nein. (I think that I'll go out for a trip, no.).

So you then set a course to go fishing. Some time later.

Z-23's point of view

Z-23: **yawns**

Z-23: **stretch's**

Z-23: **gasp** Where did he go?

Windlekonig's point of view

Windlekonig: This is relaxing.

After about 10 minutes, you have caught about 7 fish.

Windlekonig: This is fun, alright little fishy's, time to be released. You then proceed to throw the fishes over board.

Windlekonig: Time to head back.

Once you are on the bridge, you then notice about 98 red dots on the radar.

Windlekonig: Scheisse.(Sh*t).

You then grab a set of binoculars and look towards the fleet.

Windlekonig: Someone must really want me dead or something.

You then transform and head towards them. But as you approach, they notice you and start to open fire. You then start to engage them.

Windlekonig: Ahhh, die!


Windlekonig: Torpedo's engage!

**boom boom boom**

10 minutes later

Windlekonig's Thoughts: That's number 53 and a lot more to go.

You look down at the water and notice that your appearance has changed.

Windlekonig's Thoughts: My eyes are now a blood reddish color, my hair is flying, I have a devilish smile on my face, and my fingers nails are razor sharp.

Windlekonig's Thoughts: My mind is telling me to rip and tear them apart piece by piece!


Windlekonig: DIE DIE DIE!!!!!

You then fire a full on salvo at 2 Siren battleships and crack them in half.

Windlekonig: TAKE THIS.

You then slice straight through a light cruiser with your finger nails.

Windlekonig's Thoughts: Come on me, regain control.


You proceed to spin your flag pole until the tip is razor sharp. You then throw it at 3 Siren warships and your spear triggers a chain reaction of explosions throughout the 3 ships as your spear comes back to you.

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