Before Chaos

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"Ok fine, we'll go. We're not backing out of it, by the way, you get what you get. Capisce?" All Mason did was roll his eyes after Owen had 'melted his heart' with his desperate puppy-dog eyes. "Yeah sure," Owen said happily, picking up a can of grapefruit. Seeing that it expires in a few days so it was still edible.

"How the fuck am I supposed to get this open?" Owen, of course, was being stupid. So, he was looking at the bottom of the can instead of the top. Which was one of those pull back cans. "You're definitely not the brightest of the bunch...." Mason muttered. He went over to him and flipped the can over, then set it back into his hand. Mason opened a can of beans he planned on using. The kitchen had a few Bunsen burners as backups if the power went out. Because, in this part of the world, there were quite a few hurricanes and other natural disasters.

Owen watched as Mason turned the Bunsen burners on, staring at him as Mason started to cook his beans. Owen decided he should probably eat something else other than grapefruit. He took some beans as well, going beside him, preparing the food. The most 'gourmet' food he's had in awhile; he was quite looking forward to it.

"Do you think Henry made it?" Owen asks, deciding to rip off the band-aid and finally ask the question he's been dying to ask. He was sure that Mason probably knew about Henry. "Who?"

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