Scott Lang's solution #4

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It just popped into mind so-


Stephen was startled and stood back as a man grew before him.

"Hi names Scott-"

"Lang. Yeah I know you, your the guy that can shrink and all that"

"Whoa how'd you know"

"I'm sorcerer supreme, I know all"

"Can you guess what number I'm thinking!?"

Stephen sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Look I'm trying to stop a great evil that's coming"

Scott looked behind and saw Kaecilius with a very menacing expression.

"Oh..." he looked back at Stephen. "What's gotten smokey eyes gone wrong mad?"

The sorcerer sighed. "He a follower of Dormammu, he's the leader of the mindless ones"

"Oh then someone should stop them"

"That's why I'm here"

Boom Boom Whoosh

"You don't need those orange frisbees. Here I got this"


Scott shrunk down and was nowhere to be seen.

Kaecilius looked at the Doctor. "Soon us along with Dormammu will have our win and then you'll-" his head then exploded as Scott got big and got back on the ground. " Well that's one problem solved now you go handle that purple fart in the sky!"

Stephen was at a loss for words.

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