Chamber of Secrets

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"Well, we'll be on our way, then," Nigel smiled. All the children chorused "Bye!" as they were ushered out of the store.

Harry waved his hand at the retreating family.

"Well, that was something," Dudley remarked.

Behind them, Severus cleared his throat. "Not to sound ignorant, but what does this string of numbers mean?"


After they had made sure Dudley's clothes had arrived at the Haven, Severus brought Harry and Nagini back to Hogwarts to investigate the Chamber of Secrets. He felt as if it were a last straw effort to find information on the elusive form of magic, parseltongue. He didn't really think that they would find much on the issue, but it was worth a look.

Not to mention Severus secretly wished to see the basilisk. He doubted it truly was as gargantuan as the stories said, but he would withhold judgement until he saw it with his own eyes.

They were rounding the corner to the second floor girl's lavatory. Severus had heard rumours that a poltergeist or ghost of some sort dwelled there. The talk that he had overheard from the female population said that the creature was somewhat... unsavory.

Indeed, the second they stepped into the bathroom (or slithered, in Nagini's case), Severus heard a moaning, dreadful wail pierce the air. The faded image of a young girl floated down from the ceiling, with her head thrown back in sheer torment.

"Ohh, I thought I would have the entire summer break to mourn the loss of my innocent life," the annoying, high pitched voice hiccuped. "But -" she tilted her head down and caught sight of Harry.

Almost immediately, her demeanor lightened. "Harry!" she simpered.

The young man cringed almost imperceptibly. "Hello, Myrtle," he said, clasping his hands behind his back.

The ghost swooped down almost face-to-face with him. "Have you come to spend eternity with me?" She giggled, putting a hand to her face. Then, her expression fell. "Or have you come to go into that accursed chamber?" she whined.

Harry smiled awkwardly. "Er, yes I have. Come to see the chamber, I mean."

She sniffed wetly. "Well, if you happen to meet death down there, my offer still stands!" Myrtle wailed and dove backwards into a toilet. Her cry echoed around the room, sending a slight shiver down Severus's back.

Harry visibly suppressed a shudder. "Anyways..."

Severus looked around the damp bathroom critically, trying not to think of what Myrtle's offer could be. "And where is your Chamber of Secrets, Harry?" he said, a dubious tone in his voice.

The young wizard strode over to one of the faucets. He touched the silver tap, giving Severus a significant look. He glanced over at Nagini, and hissed a short, concise word.

The lavatory started to shift and change dramatically. Severus retained enough composure to keep his jaw from dropping as the sink sank into the ground and a huge, gaping hole yawned up at them. A huge gust of air blew Severus's hair back, stirring long-settled dust on the higher parts of the bathroom.

Harry gestured to the entrance awkwardly, as if they couldn't see it themselves. Severus strode over to the mouth of the chasm. He squinted, trying to make out how far the void dropped, but his eyes couldn't see past ten feet down.

Nagini and Harry then started forward. Severus stepped back to let them pass. It was almost frightening how well the young man and his snake communed with each other. It was as if they had a sort of... mental connection.

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