Music Video Part 1

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Music Video 😏 Part 1
You are a director for a small company. You've made some small films nothing too major. You've started to get booked for bigger projects with more funding. You were on your way to finish up one movie that you've been working on for about a year. You got a call. "Hello?" 'Hi is this y/n?' "Yes, how can I help you?" 'Hi my name is Scooter Braun I would like to ask you about an opportunity you might be interested in.' "Okay." 'My client Demi Lovato is working on her album and we are ready to start making a music video for her single. Would you be interested in directing it?' You were blown away. 'This could be my big break!' You thought. You've been working so hard for recognition and someone as talented as Demi Lovato would look amazing on my resumé. You also were a huge fan of Demi. But that couldn't get in the way of work. Had to be professional. Obviously. 'Y/n? Hello?' "Oh sorry....yes! I will have my assistant get with you." You hung up. You went home and celebrated with a few friends. You're best friend Wendy was Jealous. 'How is this fair?! You get too meet your celebrity crush and I can't get a date!' You laughed. "It's not like anything is going to happen!" 'Yeah cause Demi has standards!' "Oooohh ouch!" You guys laughed. 'But seriously congratulations! I really hope this gets you blown up! And you could direct the next big movie!' "I hope so. Thank you. All of you guys." Your friends drank and had a good time. You sat down outside and watched the sunset. Your phone rang. "Hello?" 'Hi y/n?' "Yes?" 'Hi it's Demi Lovato.' You sat up in your chair. " Ms. Lovato." She laughed. 'You can call me Demi....I just wanted to call you and say how excited I am to work with you on my music video!' "Well I appreciate the opportunity! I'm super excited to get started!" 'Me too! I feel like we're gonna do great things! I've seen your movies. You do an amazing job.' "You've seen my movies?" 'Yes of course! You're my favorite director....and I don't pay much attention to the directors.' You laughed. "Well I'm honored. Thank you Demi. I know your busy so I'll let you go. I'll talk to you soon." 'Sounds great! Bye.' You hung up and smiled. Wendy came outside. 'What's got you in such a great mood?' "I Uh....just got a call." 'From who?' "Demi." 'No shit! What did she say?!' "That she's seen my movies and she's excited to work with me." 'Oooooh! Y/n. She likes you.' "Psh! Yeah right!" 'Look. Y/n. A woman like that doesn't go out of her way to hire a director of your caliber. No offense. You're an amazing director but she could get someone who's been working longer.' "So What're you saying? She's hiring me to date me?" 'No! She's obviously hiring you because of your skills. But maybe she has other intentions after this is all over.' "I doubt it. But thanks for the talk." Wendy laughed. 'Okay I tried!' "Thank you." You sat there and asked yourself. 'Did she hire me cause she likes me?' Psh no way.....right?

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