Music Video Part 2

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Music Video 😏 Part 2
(1 Month Later)
You woke up and got ready for work. Today was the first day of the music video shoot. You were going to meet Demi today. You were excited but needed to stay professional. You headed down to the set. Demi's video was taking place at her house. Those shots were going to be the easiest and quickest. You drove up to the gate and buzzed. 'Can I help you?' "I'm y/n....I'm the director for the music video." About a minute goes bye. 'Come on in.' "Thank you." You drove in and parked. You walked up to the door and knocked. Scooter opened the door. 'Hey! Y/n! Come on in!' "Thanks." 'You Ready?' "Yes sir. I'm just thankful for the opportunity. Thank you very much." 'Oh don't thank me. Demi chose you. You should be thanking her.' You stood stunned but tried to play it off. 'She chose me?' You thought. "Well let's get to work." 'That's what I like to hear!' You headed out back. The sound and camera crews were setting up. You were giving directions on where to set up when you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Yes.....oh...." 'hi!' It was Demi. She hugged you. "Hi. Ms. Lovato." 'You can call me Demi.' "Well.....Demi. You ready to start?" 'Absolutely! Just give me about 10 minutes!' "Take your time." You went back to giving directions.
Demi's POV
You just met y/n. He/she seems nice. And very work oriented. I like y/n. Very straight forward. You walked over to scooter. 'Hey Demi. You ready to go?' "Yeah in a bit....what do you think of y/n?" 'He/she seems hardworking and very intelligent.....' "Well Yeah....but what do you think of him/her?" 'Demi.....' you smiled. "What?!" 'Just....give it time. Get to know y/n.' "Good idea." 'Okay. Go work!' "Yes sir." You saluted. 'You're stupid.' You walked over to y/n.
You were all set up. 'Okay I'm ready!' You turned around. "Okay Great! Let's get to it!" Demi was only singing a couple of verses. You guys have been shooting for about 4 hours. The lines are good. Just the editing needed to be done. You were looking over the footage. Demi walked over. 'So? How does it look?.....we can do more if you would like?' "No I think we got it all...just looking through it. Making sure it's perfect." 'Well it'll be're directing!' You laughed. "I'll try my best!" Demi punched you softly and smiled at you. 'You don't need to try. You're amazing.' "You've only worked with me for like a couple of hours." 'Yeah. But I can're special.'

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