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Music Video 😏 Last Part
(Later That Day)
You were getting ready to head to Demi's house. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You smiled. You headed out. On your way to Demi's house you stopped to buy her some flowers and.....a jar of pickles. Just for laughs. You drove over to her place. You were 15 minutes early. You texted her. "I'm here!" She messaged back. 'What? Early!? I'm not ready! Stay outside!' You were confused. You waited 15 minutes. You just looked at memes. She opened the door. You stood up and turned to her. She looked amazing. She was wearing a yellow sundress. Her hair was in a messy bun. She was wearing red lipstick. No makeup. 'Okay! You can close your mouth and put your tongue back in!' She laughed. "*cough* um sorry wow. You look. Wow." She blushed. 'Are those for me?' She smiled. "Actually their for Ella." The dogs were at the door too. You bent down. "Hey Ella! What do you think of these?!" You looked up at Demi. She quickly looked away. You got up and tried to look at her. "Hey! Look at me!" She looked at you with a fake sad face. "I got these for you!" You pulled out the jar of pickles from behind you. She laughed. 'Awe! So romantic!' "I knew you'd love it. 'Well let's have our date now!' "Okay where to?!" 'Here.' "Oh....we're having our date here?" 'Yeah. Come in!' You stepped in and there were rose peddles on the floor leading to the kitchen. "Woah." 'This is why I said wait. I was preparing.' You guys walked into the kitchen. And there was a table set. Candles lit. She took the flowers from you. 'I'm sure...."Ella" would like these in water.' You laughed. "Yeah she probably would." She motioned you to sit. You guys sat down. 'You look really nice y/n.' "Thank you. You look. Stunning." She smiled. You guys ate and talked about each other's lives. 'So how did the video turn out?' "You haven't seen it yet?" 'No.' "I sent it to scooter!" 'That jerk.' You guys laughed. You stood up and walked over to her. "Here." You played it to her. The video ended. 'Wow. Y/n. That was great.' "Ah. I don't know it was just okay." 'Just okay?! Cmon give yourself some credit!' "Okay. It was amazing!" 'There you go!' You guys stared into each other's eyes. Locked in. You kissed her on the cheek. 'You missed.' "Huh?" 'You missed.' Demi grabbed your neck and pulled you in and kissed you. 'There.' You pulled back. Your eyes still shut. "Um....woah." Demi smiled. 'Did you feel that?' "Yeah. You did too?" 'Yeah. I think. Maybe. We're cool for the summer.' You laughed. "Wow. Really?!" Demi started cracking up. "You're so stupid." You punched her lightly. 'Oh cmon! Don't be a "cry baby."' "God. You're so "confident!"" 'Aye! There he/she is!' You laughed. "It was a "mistake."" Demi bit her bottom lip. '"Let's ruin the friendship."' You kissed Demi.......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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