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Thank you for reading my novel!

If you are already a fan of the Chronicles of Prydain, I hope you enjoyed this fresh take on them through Eilonwy's eyes. As I'm sure is obvious, I've invested a lot of thought into her character, her history, and how her relationships and growth within the series affect both her and the trajectory of Prydain itself. It's a project that has been ongoing for a couple of decades now, and you can find much more of my writing about her on, where I write under the pseudonym CompanionWanderer. There's plenty there, of both drama and fluff (because Alexander never gave us enough Taran/Eilonwy romance). I'm also continuing to adapt each book from Eilonwy's pov and will post each one here once I finish it.

For newcomers to this story, welcome! If you enjoyed it, I highly recommend reading the original series, in which Taran is the protagonist and the majority of the story is told from his point of view. Lloyd Alexander was a brilliant author, sometimes referred to as the Father of American Fantasy; the books are timeless classics that still hold up wonderfully despite being almost forgotten amid the flood of weaker fantasy that has glutted the YA market today. You can find the books in most libraries and online bookstores, including in ebook and audio format - give them a try!

Until next time...



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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