Chapter Twenty: Survival [1/3]

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[Last time on Total Drama madness: "The campers had a challenge to test their knowledge with music, and Carley deemed herself to be pretty useful! We also may have a suspicion on how Mackenzie seems to know all.. find out if that's true on this episode of Total.. Drama. Madness!]

Breakfast was being served at the Dining Hall and the campers were all settling at their tables.

The tension was rising as everyone sat quietly at their tables, eating their food. Everyone in the room knew what to expect today.

The merge.

The merge means that they all got somewhere on this ridiculous game show they now really regret signing up for. They made it this far and now they all believe that they can make it to the end. But in the end, only one will succeed. 

The realisation of all of this seems to come during the merge. It's everybody for themselves. 

But they didn't know what was to expect with this next challenge. It was much worse than any other challenge they've done before.

And as the campers quietly sat down at their tables, Chris entered the room with a clipboard in hand.

"Morning campers!" Chris said in his usual cheerful voice. "I hope you're ready for the next challenge!" 

All campers turned towards him.

"It's time for the merge! And to kick off the merge happening, we have a very special challenge! Since the shipment for next challenge hasn't arrived yet and won't arrive for three days, we have a out-of-theme challenge again!"

A couple groans and sighs emitted from the room. An out-of-theme challenge can never be good.

"Those groans won't help you survive two nights in the woods!" Chris exclaimed.

"What!?" many people exclaimed at the same time.

"Can you even do that!?" "What if one of us dies!?" "How will we find food!?"

"Enough!" Chris yelled and the room went silent. "To answer your questions, yes, we can do this. Two, you signed those contracts at beginning the season, guess you didn't read over them well. And three, that shall be up too you." The hall went silent as they waited for Chris to give furthermore instructions.

"Now, I expect you all to be at the beach at Twelve PM. From there on, each of you run off into the woods in a different direction. Teams of two or three are allowed, but those who can do it alone will receive something special for next challenge. You are also expected to be back around Twelve PM two days later." Chris said, looking down and flipping a page on his clipboard. 

"There are certain areas in the woods with things that will help you to survive. And all of the flowing rivers are drinkable. That's about it for the rules. You all have forty fives minutes to meet at the beach. Enjoy your last well cooked meal for the next few days."  Chris said with a sarcastic tone, and left the dining hall.


Breakfast was finished and everyone was gathered up at the beach.

Chris, with a hand helf speakerphone, was already there

Silent whispers were shared amongst everyone and Chris decided it was time.

"Attention!" Chris exclaimed and everyone went silent. 

"It is time to get this show on the road. Does anyone have any questions before we start?" 

Arabella quickly raised her hand.

"Yes, Arabella." Chris said with a bored tone.

"How will we know what time it is so we can get back here in time?" She asked.

"We'll give you some kind of indication on when to start coming back, blah blah. Now, let's get this moving! Everyone



go!" A loud buzz went off and the campers scampered off into the woods.


Authors Note: Hello! There's a few things I wanted to talk about before I wrap this up.

First, super sorry for the short chapter as I decided last minute that I wanted to do this in three seperate parts instead of two. This one is also really boring and only really describes the challenge.

The next two chapters should be much longer (and expected to come out this weekend but you know me and promises) and shall be told from each individual (not from point of view but from what they see and how they're doing and blah blah)

Second, it's probably really late for all of you (it is for me) so sorry about uploading it at this time but my computer decided to update without my permission and that took about three hours.

And third, I finally got a second beta so I can now get chapters up a lot more quickly.

Thanks for reading! ^-^

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