Chapter 1

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The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. – Edmund Burke


"No. No, please. Please don't."

The grime coated man shakily kicked his heels into the ground, shuffling his hands on the harsh cement floor as he scurried into a corner.

"Please, don't do this-"

He gasped as a cold vice gripped his throat and felt himself being picked up off the floor.

"I don't-"

The last thing the man felt was being thrown through the air like a ragdoll.

His head hit a cement wall and his skull imploded on impact.

He was dead before he hit the ground.

Chapter 1:

"You've called Vornan's AC installation and consultancy. All operators are currently busy but will return your call shorty."


"Hey, it's Hoz. I've lost your personal mobile number, but I was wondering if you'd like to catch up for lunch this week. I've found a place that does the best coffee. Let me know."

End of messages.

Six carefully removed his latex gloves and tossed them into the garbage bin. The latex began to bubble and distort as it was heated, removing any trace of his fingerprints.

The number was one he gave to his informants. He hadn't removed the ChaoSonic GPS tracker in the mobile instead programming a proxy signal that would always show it pinging at an address several kilometers away. At the real Vornan's AC.

Four months ago, Six was assigned a rescue mission to recover multiple hostages who were kidnapped and forced into designing killer soldier bots. The hostages were experts in their field, from AI programming to robotic engineering. Hoz had been one of those hostages and insisted he be able to contact Six in the event he had information to pass on. In his words, he wanted to help the Deck's cause after all they had done for him. Six had given him his informants phone number along with instructions on code words to use. Lunch meant it was urgent. The best coffee meant new information.

Six walked down a corridor to his training room.


"Good morning Agent Six of Hearts. Do you wish to go over last night's training drills?"

Two silvery eyes met Six's as the bot turned its attention on him. Harry was the product of the hostages' enslavement. An incredibly lethal soldier bot made more lethal by its advanced AI programming. Programming that allowed it to not just function but learn.

"No. I want you to send an encrypted message to Hoz. Tell him I'll meet him at Madame Wu's Tea House at 1130HRS."

"It is done."

Well, that was fast, thought Six.

"I will be back in a few hours. Occupy yourself but don't leave the house."

"As you wish."

Six turned on his heel and walked back down the corridor. He swore he could feel silvery eyes boring into his back.

Grabbing his long black coat, Six stepped out the front door and was engulfed by thick grey fog.

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