Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

"Your next mission will be a simple search and rescue," King said as he scratched the back of his head. "Another vigilante group has contacted us requesting assistance locating a missing agent."

Six quickly skimmed through the mission brief as King spoke.

"They've tracked the agent's phone to the old sub-way lines South of the Square but they don't have the equipment to get down there and investigate it themselves. You and Two of Hearts are to breach the sub-way and attempt to locate the missing agent. I already briefed Two earlier this morning. Any questions?"

"Why are you sending me on this mission? Surely this would be more suited to one of the newer Hearts or even as a training exercise for some of the Clubs?"

"Two specifically requested to work with you."


King shrugged. "You can ask him yourself this evening."

Six knew when King was being evasive. He also knew when King wasn't going to give him an answer.


Six got up to leave.

"Unless you would like to take some of the Clubs with you? I'm sure they would be thrilled." King said, green eyes filled with amusement.

Six turned around and stared at King with disgust.

"I'll do it if you give Queen the bigger office," Six smirked.

King glared at him.

Six decided it was time to leave.


Two swung the sedan into a narrow side street and killed the engine. The old sub-way lines were accessible from an old maintenance building on the corner. A train derailment decades ago caused considerable damage to a portion of the track. Rather than fix damaged area, ChaoSonic deemed it less expensive and more profitable to open a new line bypassing the effected area.

Six opened the boot and started attaching the abseiling equipment to his belt. Two joined him.

"Thanks for coming with me, Six."


"Do you mean that?" Two inquired.

Six turned to look at Two and thought he saw nervousness in Two's eyes.

"Yes." Six responded.

Two grinned.

"This should be a relatively straight forward operation. I'm not even sure we will find the agent. Hopefully, we'll find his phone at least. Apparently, Queen of Hearts has talked the group requesting our assistance into giving the Deck quite a sizeable intel package as a thank-you."

Six hoped the intel package might hold some information as to who kidnapped Nai. He doubted it.

"Shall we?" Two winked.

Two turned his flashlight on as the tunnel became darker and darker. Six could still see relatively well thanks to his enhanced vision but turned his flashlight on to benefit Two. Graffiti littered the walls either side of the track and Six saw rats scurrying away from the light of their torches. The air was steadily becoming cold and stale.

"Do you know which vigilante group requested our assistance?" Six asked as they walked deeper into the tunnel.

There were a number of vigilante groups that had formed within the City. Some were more effective than others. Some barely made a name for themselves before being wiped out by ChaoSonic. None were more capable than the Deck in Six's opinion.

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