Chapter 4: ILY2M

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Well I hope u enjoy my rather short chapter!

Chapter 4:  ILY2M

I woke up to feel arms wrapped around me. He was so warm and I was happy. I finally had him and he was mine. He had me and my virginity. I had never thought he would be the one to take my virginity. I was so happy he was the one but I just hope he remembers it. It would suck if I had to tell him we had sex and he couldn't remember it. It's not like he was a virgin but it was the most special time for me. Although he was drunk I know he did it because he wanted to. Deep down inside. If he didn't then he would have stopped himself. Right?

Now I'm not completely sure if what happened was a good thing. I tried to move but his arms kept me still. Just by moving my lower body I could feel the pain in my ass. It hurt and I moaned slightly from the pain. I suddenly felt him shake. He stretched and yawned.

"Umm Amber?" I heard him ask still rubbing his eyes. AMBER!?

"Good Mo-" He turned to me then suddenly stopped. His eyes widened in fear. He looked under the blanket. His mouth opened widely in shock.

"What the hell happened?" He asked getting up.

"Sam? Calm down please." I said getting up and putting on some clothes.

"Why in the hell were we both naked in your bed together!?" He began to shout.

"Sam please let me e-" He cut me off and I flinched.

"Listen! I NEED TO GO NOW BEFORE I SAY SOMETHING I'M GOING TO REGRET!" I ran towards the door to stop him. I slammed the door shut and he stepped away from me.

"Please don't tell me we did what I think we did." He said leaning against the wall in anger.

"Sam I can't lie to you." I said sounding shaky. I was afraid of the outcome if I told him what had happened. I don't know what I would if I lost him because of this.

"So we did?" He asked softly.

I then nodded. He began to walk up to.

"Listen, you're my best friend and I love you but I won't ever love you more than that. You're like a brother to me." He said softly. My heart just shattered. Into a million tiny little pieces.

"I'm sorry Eric but I can't lie to you either." He said quietly.

"Please explain to me what happened." He said sitting far away from me on the bed. I was hurt by that. I don't think things will ever be the same. I explained to him everything that had happened yesterday. He looked angry as I began to explain to him that it was him who came onto me. And that for sure wasn't a lie.

"No you're lying. Even if I was that drunk I would never do anything like that." He looked angry again. His hands began to form fists and before I knew it he hit my wall leaving a hole.

"Sam calm down!" I yelled suddenly feeling tears roll down my eyes.

"How do you expect me to calm down. I just found out that I had sex with my best friend who's a guy and then find out that im the one who came onto him. How could you let me do it Eric? HOW?"

"I-II-I..." I couldn't speak anymore. My mouth was open but words were the last things that would come out.

"HOW? I need to think. I'm sorry Eric but for now I'm going to need some space." Tears began to form at the corner of his eyes and I was just broken. All hope left in me was just taken. My mind couldn't process anything that just happened but my heart felt everything.

"I have to go. I need to leave. I'm sorry Eric but this is for the best right now." He said closing the door behind him as he left the room leaving me in tears. I dropped to the floor. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried. Will things ever be the same again? Will he ever be my friend at all? I can't believe I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I dried and cried for hours. Before I knew it I was falling asleep. All this crying made me sleepy.

I woke up on my bed feeling very empty. It was morning? What the hell? I look out the window and view something horrible. Everything is on fire. What the hell? I smell smoke. I turn around and see smoke coming from down stairs. I begin to run to my brothers' room and see he's not in his bed. I'm worried now. I ran to my parents room and see that they're not there either. Oh god. I ran down stairs and start to search for them but nothing.

"Someone in here please help me." I yelled hoping someone was here and could hear me.

I watched the ceiling com straight for me. The rest was black.

"Oh god!" It was a dream? Of course why wouldn't it?

It was 10:00? I'm going to be late for school. Wait Sam didn't call me when he came to p-. Suddenly yesterday's events played back in my head. I forgot about everything. I'm going to stay home today. I feel everything in me died. I shut my eyes and try to pretend that nothing happened yet. That he didn't kiss me. That we didn't have sex. THAT NOTHING HAPPENED. I could feel tears once again begin to drip down my face. I can't deal with this.



Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter... sorry it was short! I'm not completely happy with this chapter because it didn't come out the way I wanted it to but ya! Please comment and vote thnx!!!

I Love You Too Much to Give Up Now (BoyxBoy)*Complete*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt