First Day (pt.1)

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You wake up feeling nervous and excited.It was your first day at World Academy.It was a prestigious Academy.The Academy had students from all around the world.You had always been interested in world history and other countries.You lived near the academy alone of course. living alone gave you thoughts likeBut my parents wont be able to visit or live with me....You quickly moved that thought aside and started getting ready.

You look in the mirror seeing the uniform was pretty cute.The uniform was a black sailor-style school uniform dress, you wore with black tights and "Mary Jane" shoes underneath it. You tied your h/c hair in a neat bun , packed your bag and left with some toast. You skateboarded to the school.

》le time skip》

You reach the school gates. World Academy W was embroidered in gold on the gate,the gate was still closed. Huh,guess I came early.

You see some students -- actually scratch that ALOT of students .
And a lot of boys
A lot.

Since you didn't know anybody and didn't know what to do you stayed near the entrance of the school

When it opened the students started going in groups. From somebody saying "I'm the hero!!" to "I want big brother to marry me!"

Weird but okay . You finally decided to go in. After setting up your locker you got an email saying that the school president would give you the school tour.
You sighed Guess I have got to get to finding then.
You started wandering down the hallways and eventually got lost. What was I thinking this was bound to happen.
You of course go to the nearest person available who looks like the person who was saying ' I'm the hero!' at the entrance.
"Hey could you--"
"A-are y-you talking to me?" He said looking around.
You realized he was a much different person than the one you saw at the gate. His hair was wavy it was two toned,a lighter blonde on top, with more of an orange (or darker blond) shade on the bottom and tips. He had blue eyes.He also sported a curly ahoge off the top of his head.


A/N-Sorry if it was short ! Since I didn't want to write a lot and the first chapter and wanted to if people actually read it

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