First Day (pt.2)

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"Hey could you--"
"A-are y-you talking to me?" He said looking around.
You realized he was a much different person than the one you saw at the gate. His hair was wavy it was two toned,a lighter blonde on top, with more of an orange (or darker blond) shade on the bottom and tips. He had blue eyes.He also sported a curly ahoge off the top of his head.


"Oh u-um w-what do you n-need?"

"Could you take me to the school president's office?"


He started guiding you towards the office.You decided to ask him his name.

"Whats your name?"


"Canada?As in the country?"

"Yeah,o-or you can call me Mathew Williams."


"Wh-whats your name?"


You both stop at a door with a label that reads 'school president'.


"Your welcome."

-----------------------------------------------------CANADA P.O.V.--------------------------------------------------------

I thought it was going to be a normal day.But today was different.

I went to my locker, pulled out my notebook and books,waited in the hallway for the bell to ring.

Kumajirou,as always forgot my name.

After telling him who I was,I heard a voice.

Of course I thought it was some who mistaked me for my brother.But as soon as I turned around around and I met e/c eyes.

"Hey could you--"

"A-are y-you talking to me?" I said looking around.


"Oh u-um w-what do you n-need?"

"Could you take me to the school president's office?"


"Whats your name?"


"Canada?As in the country?"

"Yeah,o-or you can call me Mathew Williams."


"Wh-whats your name?"


We both stop at the door which had a lable that read 'school president'


"Your welcome."she said

I started walking to class.This was the first time someone had not screamed "AHH GHOST! "at seeing me or thought I was my brother.

She was friendly and sweet . She seems so... lonely .

--------------------------------END OF P.OV.-------------------------------------------

You knocked on the door and heard:-

"Come in!"

You enter the room which has a large window, there were bookshelves on both the sides of the room.The school president was sitting at his table which had chairs on either side of it , he had messy, short blond hair and lime-green eyes not to mention his were very prominent and bushy.He looked up from the folder he was reading,most likely complaints from the school students,and said:-

"I assume you are Y/N ,please sit down."he said in a british accent, as he kept his folder away.

"Thank you."

"I am England or you can call me Arthur Kirkland ."

Wait!What?Another person with person with a country name?This is getting really confusing...what if it's a prank the students decided to pull on me.God this is really confusing. SO MANY QUESTIONS!!

He started rummaging through is drawer and pulled out two peice's of paper.

"Here is your schedule and the school map.We're starting the tour now!"he said as he smiled.

you nodded your head as you got up and started walking towards the door.He opened the door for you.

"Ladies First!"

"Thank you!"

"Your welcome,love."

Wow what gentleman...I might be having second thoughts on that prank...

We both left the office for the school tour.

-------------ENGLAND P.O.V.--------------

As I was reading the list of complaints from the school in my office I heard a knock.

*Knock* *Knock*

Is that bloody frog back again?!Already? *sigh*"Come in!"

The door opened ,I of course was still reading the complaints.

After a moment I looked up and saw a h/c haired girl with e/c eyes,they were full of curiosity.She was by far the most elegant girl I had seen,her hair was in a neat bun and here uniform had no "personal touches" to it which was a problem which most students in the school had.

"I assume you are Y/N,please sit down."

"Thank you."

Hmm elegant and polite.

" I am England or you can call me Arthur Kirkland"

She was confused.It Made sense,she was a ordinary human.Maybe if i could read her that is invading privacy.But I wonder what is going on inside of her head.

I pulled out two peice's of paper,one was here schedule and the other the school map.

"Here is your schedule and the school map.We're starting the tour now!"

To give a good first impression I smiled.

She nodded and smiled and got up,walking towards the door,I being the gentleman I am, opened the door for her.

"Ladies First!"

"Thank You!"

"Your welcome,love!"

We both left the office for the school tour.

--------------------------------------------------END ENGLAND P.O.V.---------------------------------------------------

After you were done with the tour you left for your classroom,which fortunately was found.

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A/N- Sorry it ended in a another cliffhanger my goal was 600 and now it's
854 words.....who else is super productive at night?
But I'm not gonna lie I'm exhausted pulling off an all nighter working XD
Anyways bye!

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