A good nap

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Harry's POV
Draco was ignoring him. He didn't even show up for lunch. He barley tolerated the classes he had after lunch. Most of the slytherins were ready to answer any question the professors would ask, thanks to reading before class, and it was clear they were all trying hard to get house points. Harry couldn't care less. Why was he even resorted in slytherin?!

The only thing that interested him was Draco. He was starting to notice more things about him, like the way he licked his bottom lip while reading,or the way he would immediately find a corner to sit in after entering a class,avoiding the crowd; and especially the way he was always alone.
And the way he was trying to look happy;faking smiles, Harry could tell. Nobody was realizing it,except Harry, that Draco..looked dead inside.

Harry felt a strange pain in his chest,again. 'Seriously,what the fuck is wrong with me today.' He thought. 'Why am I even paying attention to him.' Harry rolled his eyes and tried to focus on his book. It wasn't working. His mind kept wandering.

When all the classes were finally over, Harry had a couple of hours to himself before the dinner was served. He randomly headed towards the Gryffindor common room, not realizing it until half of the way. "Shit!" He sweared loudly, causing some students giving him a weird look.
He threw himself on his bed. 'This bed is so comfortable'. Maybe he would feel better after  a good nap.
Hours past. Dinner was being served. Harry was still slept. Draco was wandering around the castle. Everything seemed alright. Almost. 

Harry opened his eyes. It took him a while to remember where he was at. He looked at his clock. He had missed dinner and he was starving.
He looked around. Draco wasn't there. Harry decided to wait for him. 'He might never come.' Harry changed his mind and went outside.
A few slytherins were sitting on the couches. He accidentally hit something on the floor and they looked up at him. One of them nicely asked "oh,you missed dinner? You can go to the Hufflepuff common room. They always have something you can eat." Harry mumbled "thanks" and got outside. Why were they being nice to him? What happened to the mean,hateful slytherins he used to know?

He found his way towards the Hufflepuff common room. He waited in front of some large barrels. He didn't know the password. A Hufflepuff passed by him. He tapped on of the barrels four times and a lid swang open. He looked at Harry and asked "wanna come in?" Harry nodded and followed him. 'Damn he's handsome' he thought.

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