Part 1: the beginning

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Note this takes place when the DDLC characters come to my home so enjoy

Me; So Yuri..........

Yuri; Yes my love?

Me; I've been wondering, how did you get to my house?

Yuri; Well......... I think you told me your address, then I told Monika, We visited, then you asked me if we would move in. So we did.


Yuri; btw what time is it?


Yuri; k

2 hours later

After Joey and YURI were talking. Natsuki asked YURI if Joey has depression......

Natsuki; hey Yuri?

Yuri; yes?

Natsuki; does Joey have depression?

Yuri; idk I'll go ask.

Yuri; hey joe?

Me; yes Yuri?

Yuri; do you have depression?

Me; *inhales* yes........ I'll tell you about it

Yuri; ok

Me; So 3 yrs ago, in September...... my father was diagnosed with STAGE 4 lung cancer........ The doctor said that he had 6-18 months to live.......... So.........'STARTS TEARING UP' December 24th 2017 at 12:00pm He was dead...................😭😭😭

Yuri; Oh my god, I'm so sorry.

Monika hears joey crying

Monika; Yuri why is Joey crying?

Yuri; it's a long story so sit down

Monika; ok

5 minutes later

Monika; sooo is he thinking of killing him self?

Yuri; idk I'll go ask him

Yuri; hey joe?

Me; yes?

Yuri; are you going to kill your self?

Me; been thinking about it


Yuri; Sayori....... jo- Joey is thinking of killing him self

Sayori; whaaaaaaat?

Yuri; go wake Natsuki.



Natsuki; Ughhhhhhhh

Sayori; nat

Natsuki; what?

Sayori; come with me

Natsuki; ok

5 minutes later

Yuri; sooo that's that.

Natsuki; 😨

Yuri; Joey it's alright

Me; I know.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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The doki doki characters come to our world! A fanfic by Me!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora