This Isnt Working

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I was going to post a new story part but I just lost all motivation to keep going, I just don't think that I should be writing things when my heart isn't in it, I don't even watch the anime much nor do I read the manga anymore so even if I did want to keep going I wouldn't be accurate or right about some things.
I did have some pretty cool plans like, Boruto Vs Mitsuki, or Boruto and Kawaki vs Gaara which was what I was going to post next but like I said I have lost all motivation for Boruto, and Naruto for that matter. I want to post things other than fanfic and I will be posting a new story soon. I really hope that you guys support my new story I'm working on even if it's not what you like. Thank you so much for your support you guys really helped me.

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