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Yesterday's treasures cluttered the room; skyscrapers of dusty books, newspapers from every decade in the past fifty years, mountains of clothes, and other random knick knacks. Everything glistened from light pouring in through the open window, even the dust hanging book to book.

Tiny Grandma Alba slept inside snuggling pink blankets. Soft light swept across her face. Her blankets rose and fell, just barely, like a calm ocean. Tubes drew out of the blankets.

Alba's two sons and two granddaughters gathered today for a special occasion. Jerry and his youngest daughter, Sam, filled one side of the bed. Sam looked like the average seven year old, tiny body and long stringy hair. Her father was about her height, but stout. Sam shifted her body side to side.

Spencer and Clarry, Jerry's other daughter, stood opposite of them. Spencer grew taller than his younger brother, but Clarry already soared above him at sixteen.

"How much longer Daddy?" Sam said.

"Hush baby," Jerry said, "we wanna let her sleep as long as she can,"

At that moment, Alba's head shifted back and forth. Her eyes slowly cracked open. Her blurred vision cleared, and she saw the warm smiles of her family. Her thin lips curled up tight.

"For me?" she asked.

Everyone giggled and exchanged eye contact. Sam bounced up and down on her tippy toes. This continued for a few moments.

"Mom," Jerry said, "we all know how excited you are so we'll try not to drag this out. We all just wanted to say a few words."

Alba nodded her head, then crossed her fingers together over her blanket.

"Well I guess I'll go first," Jerry said. "Mom, we've been so close since Stacy passed. That was the hardest time for me and my girls, and I would've never gotten through it without you. Staying here with you has helped the girls and I so much. You've been a ray of sunshine. You always have been. You always will be. I love you Mom."

Alba laid her frail hand over Jerry's and smiled. Spencer started to jostle back and forth. Everyone looked over, creating more pressure for him.

"So I know I clung to Dad a lot. And I always acted angry towards you Mom. But damn it I love you so much," Spencer said, "Just thank you, for everything. I love you."

Tears streamed down Spencer's crystal pool eyes. He took two fingers and gently wiped a tear from Alba's wrinkled face. His fingers brushed her thin grey hair.

"I love you too," she whispered.

Jerry told his girls it was their time. Clarry didn't show too much emotion, like her father. She gave Alba a smothering hug, then told her how much she loved her. Sam nearly jumped on top of Alba. Their relationship grown strong since Sam moved in.

" Grandma, Grandma, I love you Grandma!" she said, "I can't wait to hear about your trip when you get back."

Spencer shot Jerry a concerned look. Alba just laughed silently, then kissed Sam on the forehead. She then looked every family member in the eyes lovingly. Her aqua eyes sparkled.

"My children, my grandbabies, you are each so special and unique to me," she said, "To look your family in the eyes, I don't know what else an old lady could want. I love you all so much. I'm ready for my new journey though." She looked to Jerry and said, "I'm ready honey."

They all connected hands joyfully. Alba held Spencer's hand, Spencer held Clarry's hand, Clarry held Sam's hand, Sam held Jerry's hand, and in Jerry's open hand he held a syringe filled with clear liquid. Jerry brought the needle to one of Alba's tubes slowly.

"We love you," they said.

The needle stuck into the tube, and the liquid squeezed in. Alba's free hand laid across her heart. Her smiling eyes grew wide, and her mouth gaped with excitement. Then her jaws reached it's limit. The sparkle left her blue eyes. A breeze brushed their knees, and the curtains rustled as it fluttered out the window.

Sam cried silently in the hallway outside Alba's room that night. She held a picture frame close to her heart. At some point, a door crept open. Light flooded into the hallway and Spencer walked out.

"Hey buddy, what's up?" Spencer said.

She darted her eyes at him violently. Her cheeks were red and raw from tears. Spencer noticed the picture frame from off the hallway.

"Mind if I take a look?" he said.

She showed him. In the photo Sam squeezed next to Alba in a rocking chair. Sam wasn't much younger. Juice drenched their shirts from eating apples. Spencer slid down the wall next to Sam, and she instantly collapsed in his arms.

"No one said she's not coming back. I didn't know Uncle Spencer," Sam said, "everyone was so happy."

"It's okay, I know," he whispered, "I know it's hard to understand so young."

"Why can't she stay here? Why do we have to send her? "

"Well that's the thing. No one really understands, even I don't," Spencer said, "All I know is there comes a time when everyone must be sent, and once you are sent you can't come back."

"It's just so sad," Sam said.

"It can be sad. Trust me, I know," Spencer said, "They say it's selfish to be sad though. Think about it, our lives would get boring here after a while! Grandma of course loved you, but she was also ready to start a new adventure. We sent her to a mysterious place, completely different from any experience any of us have witnessed. So in a way it's happy too, and we wouldn't want to keep her from that."

The tears slowed down, along with Sam's breathing. She was fully laying in his lap now.

"I just wish she could stay," she said.

"I know, I do too," he said, "Maybe we'll get to see her again though. Remember, no one knows what comes after sending. For now focus on what's in front of ya, like Uncle Spencer."

Spencer ruffled Sam's hair. She giggled, then handed him the picture frame.

"I guess I understand," Sam said.

"Alrighty then. You ready for Uncle Spencer to carry you back to bed?"

Sam nodded her head, already passing out. Spencer snatched her up and started their journey across the house.

"I love you Uncle Spencer," Sam said half asleep.

"I love you too Sammy."

The Amateurs Collection: Short StoriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang