Chapter 19

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not very long but wHo cArEs
wholesomeeacotts back at it with incorrect watermarks :)

Elliots POV

It's been a rough week. I cant even be bothered uploading, it's just been such a stressful time. Now Tannar's ex rapist has broken down our door and is threatening us. Shit, our life is a mess.

Cray's POV

I feel horrible. I never knew Tannar had the background haunting her. I wish there was something I could do to stop all this, but I don't think I can. In Paris, I only let that happen because she was just so pretty but I didn't think about the consequences. You know, I'm the one who got Tannar into this mess, so I should be the one to get her back out of it.

Unknown POV

Tannar and Jacob were arguing in her room. Jacob was trying to explain the situation to Tannar but she wasn't having it. I saw Jacob pulling over Tannar so her back was on the soft white duvet. Perfect, I can't miss my chance. I've grabbed a knife from the Kitchen and put black clothing on to disguise my self. I tiptoed into the room and quickly dragged the knife deeply in his back so blood fished out and stained the bed. I left the house and drove away. Task complete.

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