frank suffers from malaria and records the consequent feverish thoughts

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You have slimy eyes 🥴
Owo uwu nudge me off my bed you fucking [r slur!?!?]. Break my knees. Sledgehammer them. Hang me. Kiss me. Drown me. Pick me up out of the garden even though nobody is around.
Tenderly caress my arms, pick up my fursuit with your strong muscly tendons uwu.
Senpai killed my doggo woof.
I want him to fuck me in my ass.
Uwu Bakugo senpai, please nuzzle ur red cheeks into my throbbing heart.
Put ur lovely mouth in mine.
Kiss me like one of your friends
No homo
No home
I'm homeless
Help me
My mortgage was too high
Sign my revenue
Did you know he is very hot.
Kiss me senpai wit ur flaming blonde hair and eyes.
Wink at me with your precious facial features.
Stomp into the ground.
Pound me to a pulp.
Pull my hat 🥵🥵🥵🥵
Kill me slowly with your ever loving smile.
Look at me with your eyes.
Slap me in the forehead
Fuck me in my math class🥵

Frank's OdysseyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang