chapter 1

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Hey it's me I'm going to try to kinda really write the story anyways enjoy

One long bus ride comes to an end back on the same route "Mable wake up." dipper says "we are here." we get up to meet grunkle Stan

"how are you I can't believe you get to stay!" me and Mable extange looks "grunkle Stan, we are excited too" Mable says "good" "ok well then who wants stancackes" we run to the mystery (s)hack

*Bills point of view*(POV)
I see the pines twins they changed a lot over the years Mable she still has waddles funny,I thought he'd be bacon right now,is he wearing clothes? and dipper he looks happy too happy so I decide to read his mind 'i just want to go find a a nice place to put my 'stuff' he seems really sad on the inside aw wait what am I thinking I should go. Bill goes back in to the forest

•°dippers POV °•
I feel some one watching me but then again you are never really alone in gravity falls "what do you want to do" Mable says "I'm going to bed you can visit Grenada and Candy" I said "ok" says Mable I go up stairs and unpack or just throw everything thing on the floor. As I grab something to sleep in I hear falling the I see someone clime in my window "ow" they say I grab my pocket knife and go near them "who the hell are you". "Pine tree hi sorry I am not used to this"

pine tree .... wait "bill" I scream "the one and only" he said "why are you here" I say "I don't know" bill said I didn't realize it but he was human

(Best picture I could find) "Soo what now" I say "well can I stay here I will make a deal to not do anything bad" bill said "what is wrong with you why are you nice" I say then something awful happens Mable walks in "hey bro-bro have you

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(Best picture I could find)
"Soo what now" I say "well can I stay here I will make a deal to not do anything bad" bill said "what is wrong with you why are you nice" I say then something awful happens Mable walks in "hey bro-bro have you.... " She paused "oh my are you dippers boyfriend" she screams "NO stop it's bill stop whyyyy" I say "so?" she said I threw a pillow at her "get out" i say "ok just don't be to loud" she says as she runs out of the room "ok so what are the 'guide lines' " I say "I won't hurt any one with out your consent and for me I can stay here" he said calmly "o-ok" I stick out my hand and shake his then....
Sorry such a short chapter but after I post it I literally start a new chapter um ok

I'll Love You Forever (depressedish dipper x human bill) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now