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So . . .

DreamSwap! forced god of destruction
Errors swaped with blue. . .

Blue screamed as Destiny dragged him from his au. She then unceremoniously dumps blue into the anti void. Then to make sure her beloved erry_Chan continues to be happy and free she screams in the small Skeletons non-existent ears till she's sure that he'll never forget what his place in the multiverse is and so that he never forgets it.

Sobbing blue lays in the white space called the anti void. He crys till his tears are permanently stuck to his face. The only noise the was the voices hurling profanities and insults his way.
"YOU IDIOT IF YOU DONT DESTROY THE MULTIVESE WILL COLLAPSE AND IT WILL BE ALL YOUR FAULT!" Destiny screams at blue the pitiful mess on the floor.

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