Should you talk about your feelings?

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Two days after recovering Nick was released from the hospital

Nick shivered.
"Gibbs, don't you have anymore blankets in this damn place?"
Gibbs replied, his eyes barely half open.
"Yeah, in the kitchen. I mean in the linen closet. Now get back to bed. The fire should keep you warm."
Gibbs stopped yelling at his agent and went back to bed.
Nick snickered. "Why am I even staying with this old man?"

The next day

"Mornin' Gibbs."
Nick was overly excited that morning and this alerted Gibbs.
"What's with you, Torres?"
Nick started to laugh. "Just happy to be alive."
"Alright I gotta go check on the team but you stay here and rest, not too much TV."
"Thanks, 'dad'." Nick remarked.
Before Gibbs could step outside the door Nick had already fallen asleep.

At the Office

Ellie was pretty shaken up after their hit and run so she was reminiscing at her desk. McGee was in MTAC with the director talking to someone overseas dealing with a new case.
Gibbs grumpily sat down at his desk, coffee in hand, reading glasses on the case file.
"Hey Ellie, since we're down an agent you need to double up in your work load. You can handle it"
Ellie rolled her eyes at her boss.
"I saw that." Gibbs chuckled.
Ellie was not very happy with the news Gibbs just told her. Less agents meant more paper work, which she hated.
"Hey, at last I can use my vintage stapler!", Ellie stated while cracking a smile.
McGee walked out of MTAC confidently.
"What's got you all excited Tim?" Ellie asked curiously.
"We solved the case. The commander's daughter was going through a rough patch in her relationship and her boyfriend hit her over the head with a bat. We brought him in and he confessed everything." McGee  sat down at his desk to start all the paperwork.
"McGee, go home. Ellie and I can finish up here." Gibbs drank his coffee once more.
"Really boss? Thanks!"
Before he left, he yelled to Gibbs. "Hey, tell Torres I hope he's doing better."
"Yeah, will do." Gibbs replied.
Ellie was concerned she would be late for a training session with Odette so she made up an excuse.
"Gibbs- I have to go do something tonight."
"Oh, you do-?" Gibbs seemed concerned.
"Yeah... umm... you know-" Ellie stuttered.
"Okay, go, go, I got you."
"You sure?"
"Yes, yes. Go. Go do your thing."
Before Ellie left the office she looked back and smiled at her boss. She mouthed to him 'night'.

It was 12:00 am at the Bullpen and Gibbs hadn't left yet

Gibbs yawned as Leon entered the office.
"Gibbs, go home. You've brought too much on to your plate. Today's a new day."
"Yeah, yeah."
Gibbs got all his stuff together but as he was about to leave, Leon stopped him.
"... And Gibbs-"
"You take care of that agent of yours."
"Wouldn't think otherwise, Leon. Night."
Vance nodded and Gibbs headed to the elevator.

In Gibbs' truck on the way home Gibbs starts to question his decision making

Damn. I can't believe what happened today. It's amazing how love can drive people insane. I couldn't ever imagine killing my spouse, my partner. I'd do anything for my girl to be alive again. What am I going to do? I can't drink bourbon and build a boat named after Jack. Sh*t! Shut up, Jethro. Why do these thoughts always arise? You don't even know what you're talking about. What more could you do with your life? Nothing! I don't take risks. Don't think I ever will.

Finally, the great torture of Leroy Jethro Gibbs' mind had come to a stop.

At Gibbs' house

"Hey", Nick greeted Gibbs from the couch.
"Why're you still up? Did I wake you?"
"No, just couldn't get any shut eye. Why'd you stay at the office so late?" Nick asked Gibbs.
"Y'know, sent the rest of the team home and had to do some paperwork on my own. Vance convinced me to leave at midnight." Gibbs shook his head.
"We solved the case but it really got me thinking about life. But I got my boat and bourbon. What more could you get out of life?" Gibbs' face saddened to some extent.
"Life could be much better, Gibbs. You just can't loose faith in all the good." Nick got up from the couch to make some coffee.

Yeah, okay, start listening to your agent. Listen to you own damn advice, marine!

"Nick, if you're gonna ruin your chances of sleeping we should just go and get a beer. You up for that?"
Nick thought about it and agreed. He was bored out of his mind from the captivity of Gibbs' house.
"Can I choose where to go?"
"Ya', why not."

At the diner

"I should have known we'd be heading here." Gibbs mumbled under his breath.
"You know this is where Bishop, McGee and I celebrated right before we found out your place had been shot the hell down. How'd you manage to clean it all up anyways?" Nick asked worriedly.
"That doesn't matter." Gibbs answered stubbornly.
"Right. Of course." Nick shook his head.
Gibbs and Nick finally ordered a couple of beers.
"So what's bothering you? Must be something if you can't get any sleep. "
"Yeah, I guess so... Hey Gibbs?"
"You ever get lonely?"
Gibbs was silent for a couple of minutes but managed to finally say something.
"No. Now enough of my feelings, I know you're not okay, Nick. At least your alcohol problem is better."
"What's that supposed to mean, Gibbs?"
"Nothin'. Now I've learned lots of secrets from all of my agents but you've never confided in me."
Nick looked glumly at his boss.
"So what? I'm a guy, feelings aren't my thing. After my undercover years I've learned to keep them all in."
"Maybe so but this is different, Nick. I'm a man of few words myself and I get that but after awhile, everything finds a way to come out and ruin your life again."
Nick got up as if to leave.
"Hey Nick, where're going? It's not like you can drive yourself. You almost died three days ago. You need help. I guess we both do."
Nick sat down again reluctantly.
"You remind me of myself. I don't want you to repeat my mistakes. There's too many to count and too much lost time."
"Maybe so, Gibbs."
Nick yawned. "Hey, I'm getting tired, we better head back home."
"About time."
Gibbs paid the waitress and they headed towards Gibbs' truck.

The ride home from the Diner

Nick stumbled upon some words that were difficult to admit.
"You're right. I need help and my life is not the most stable it could be right now."
"Glad you could come your senses."
"Now when will you?" Nick smirked at Gibbs.
Nick had silenced Gibbs who had still not opened up to him.

At the house

"Maybe tomorrow." Gibbs replied to his agent.
"What?" Nick replied, confused.
"I'll talk to you tomorrow. Now get some sleep. I knew I shouldn't have let you out of this house."
"Okay." Nick replied.
Nick couldn't help but smile as he curled up on the couch next to the fire place with his extra blankets. Who knew he could connect with Gibbs. It only took getting hit by a car and nearly dying to accomplish such a thing.

Note: That's it! It's a one part story. I'm new to writing on Wattpad so any reviews could be nice! Hope you like it:)

Fire PlaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora