I've got feleings I cannot explain

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A couple days later

Gibbs was talking on the phone to Sloane and Nick had his assumptions as to who it was.
"Who's that, you're girlfriend back at headquarters?" Nick couldn't help but laugh.
"Hey, that's enough out of you." Gibbs got up to leave of the kitchen and head to the basement when he lost his phone connection with Sloane.
"Aaahhh. You no good piece of-" Before Gibbs could cuss his emotions out on his cellphone Nick decided to intervene.
"Hey! It's just a phone. Don't go breaking... another one."
Gibbs shut his phone and put it on the kitchen table.
"You okay?" Nick asked worriedly.
"Mmh." "... never better." Gibbs mumbled that last part.
"I heard that!"
"Sure you did. Now get back to bed. I'm gonna go get my morning coffee and head to work, see you later."
"See you then, Gibbs."
Gibbs walked out the door and headed off to do his morning routine.

At NCIS headquarters

Gibbs stepped out of the elevator sipping his coffee. The team had taken on another case. They had a feeling it was another forbidden relationship. Gibbs had taken this case personally despite the burnt out rule 10. It was like it was already Valentine's Day.
"Gibbs, what do you want us to do?" McGee asked his boss.
"That's not good enough, McGee!"
"Wrong question!" Gibbs yelled angrily.

Damn. I'm a useless piece of sh*t.

Gibbs kicked the trash that was behind his desk. He then went into the elevator, flustered.
"Looks like Valentine's Day has come early for boss!" McGee said, obviously trying to lighten the mood.
"Yep. Mmh." Ellie said, weakly
Everyone on team Gibbs was still down in the dumps, it just wasn't the same without Nick.
Sloane was down with Ducky, confiding in him as a friend, a colleague. Gibbs went home early after his scene in the bullpen.

At Gibbs' house
"Hey, Gibbs!" Nick greeted his boss as he walked in the door.
"Not now." Gibbs grunted back to his agent.
Gibbs proceeded to his basement where he could wash all his issues down with some bourbon.

That was interesting. I know he's probably been going through some stuff lately but that seemed different.

Nick decided to confide in his best friend at the office.
"McGee! My man, wassup?"
"Nick! Haven't spoken to you since the accident, how've you been?"
"Oh, y'know, the usual. But that's not why I called you..."
"Oh, okay. Why'd you call?"
"Anything weird happen at the office today? Gibbs walked in and seemed extra grumpy. It's also earlier than when he usually gets home."
"Yeah, umm... he kinda walked out on us. Definitely not okay but not too out of the ordinary. This is the second time he's left early recently. Weird, almost."
"Mmh. Okay, thanks man. See you soon hopefully."
"You hang in there."
Nick was confused and unsure what to do.

I'm sure he's fine. He's been through hell and back, this is nothing. Emotions are hard to handle sometimes. Feelings even harder... aaah shut up ya' doofus.

Nick stopped questioning his boss and decided to rest. He was stressed enough as is.

Down in the basement
Gibbs took a sip of bourbon from his glass. His latest boat was named Jack, not 'Jackson' after his dad but after a special someone he works with. He was halfway finished with it. After working on it here and there for 3 years, it has moderately progressed in size. How would he get it out this time?

Damn. I knew I had to make this boat the minute I met her. My heart beats so fast when I'm around her. The way she smiles and makes me smile. Mm. I'll never forget Jack.

"Gibbs?" Nick yelled down to his boss.
"Yeah?" Gibbs replied, almost annoyed after he interrupted his thoughts.
"I'm climbing down."
Gibbs didn't respond.
"Save me a drink, would you?"
As Nick approached Gibbs, Gibbs nodded and handed him a glass. Nick was more of a scotch and beer guy and occasionally bourbon was fine. But none of that mattered because he was trying to drink less alcohol.

Ellie would disapprove of this. I mean she would want me to be there for Gibbs but like this? No, that's too much. But she's the one who hasn't reached out to me... yet.

"So what's up?"
"Old memories got me caught up with myself, that's all."
"Hey, how do you get this boat out of here again?"
"That's not the problem here, Nick." Gibbs shook his head.
"Right, right." Nick nodded his head.
"I can't help but remember after that one case with the junk collector. You remember that one, don't you?"
Nick smirked, "You mean the one with the murder weapon that was featured on American Pickers?"
Gibbs laughed, "Aah, yes. How could I forget? Ducky and I never miss an episode!"
"So what happened?" Nick asked.
"After the case had closed and I left the office I went down here to the basement, to my collection."
"Collection of what?" Nick asked curiously.
"Of old goods. A time capsule as one would say."
"Can I see?"
"No- I mean sure. It would help me to explain my story anyways." Gibbs sighed.
"Wow!" Nick looked around in awe.
Gibbs has a chest full of old magazines, some goods from his dad. However, the most important item was an old razor.
Gibbs opened the case to the razor and presented it to Nick.
"Wow. They don't make them as they used to! I could really use this." Nick emphasized it as he stroked his growing facial hair.
(Chuckling), "Can't disagree. But the story behind it..." Gibbs paused.
It was hard for his words to come out as he wanted. The moment Jack and him shared was so special, unlike any other.
"Go ahead." Nick reassured his boss.
"The razor was missing a piece. Couldn't find it anywhere but during the case, I found it in the endless piles of junk collected. One Man's trash is another Man's treasure." Gibbs pauses for a second.
"Anyways, Sloane came down in the basement and I showed her the collection, the completed razor... it was just so special. I- I shouldn't be telling you this but she was just there for me at the right moment. Always is." Gibbs smiles at his last remark.
"Aw. That seems very sweet of her. I don't know what to say but-" Nick stopped talking.
"What? What Nick? If you have something to say, say it."
"Alright. Well, this is obviously the second time a case has reminded you of the good times you have with her. Maybe that's a sign? A sign of something more?"
Gibbs shook his head.
"Jack and I? We don't have anything going on. That's beside the point. She's a good friend to me and I like to think that I'm there when she needs me."
"Mmh. Keep telling yourself that, Gibbs."
Gibbs started to walk away, angered by what Nick had said to him.
"Gibbs, wait! You cannot ignore this feeling forever. It will come out. I bet you can't imagine ever loosing her. Remember that. I speak from experience."
Gibbs walked back to his newest boat to finish sanding one part and have one final drink.
Nick walked up the stairs to finally get some rest on that damn couch of Gibbs'.

Note: Hey! I've decided to continue this story! Shoutout to Amira for suggesting it;) I have some ideas and ways to progress it and maybe interlace other season 17 events. Hope you like the part!

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