Cast away my broken dreams

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Gibbs was confused. This was all new to him. He decided to go upstairs and just call it a night.


Nick was tossing and turning in his sleep.
Gibbs muttered something, "Poor kid."
Gibbs went up to his bedroom and fell asleep quickly.

In Nick's dreams

"Hey, sunshine. Took you long enough to finally awake." Ellie stated in the morning sun.
"Good morning, my love." Nick said happily.
"Good afternoon actually." Ellie laughed.
"What?" Nick seemed confused.
"You had a long night, I didn't want to wake you."
"Thanks." Nick shook his head despite all matters, he hated being late for a new day. There's never enough time.
"Hey, ready for work? Yeah."
Nick and Ellie grabbed their ID's, badges, guns and bags.

The ride to NCIS headquarters

"We're late." Nick muttered, a little angered.
"We might raise suspicions!" He seemed worried now.
"It's okay, baby. We can just say we both woke up late and decided to carpool like usual."
This had happened on more than one occasion yet it still worries Nick.
Nick started staying with the love of his life.
It was a dream come true.
"And here we are!" Ellie smiles lightly.
Nick and Ellie both walked in to the NCIS building.

At the bullpen

"Where is everyone?" Nick asked.
No one was in the bullpen and it looked different.
"Don't worry, baby. I got your back. It's just us today." Ellie stated.
Nick was unsure what to think of this but continued anyways. They both went to opposite sides of the room. However, Nick left his desk and traveled towards Ellie's.
"Seriously, where is everyone?" Nick asked her again.
Ellie was lightly singing to herself and picked her head up from her paperwork to answer.
"It's a light day. Gibbs and McGee stayed home. Besides Vance told be Gibbs had a funeral to go to and McGee wanted time with his kids."
"Oh. Then why'd he have to come in?"
"Well, hunny, it's your first day back and Vance wanted you to have desk duty and help with the light stuff." Ellie smiled back.
"Let me take this up with him then. I insist for more!" Nick loudened his voice.
"And why didn't Gibbs tell me?!"
"He knew your would reject this. Come on, baby, this is a good thing. Once we finish this we can just relax!"
"Fine." Was all Nick could mutter. He answered Ellie very reluctantly.
"How about a competition? Whoever finishes first gets to steal a lollipop from Sloane."

15 minutes later

Ellie shouted, "Done!"
Ironically, she was already halfway done and had an advantage.
"Let's go visit Sloane." Nick stated.
Nick knocked on her office door.
"No answer."
"Oh yeah, I forgot, she went with Gibbs." Ellie replied.
"Ha! Of course she did." Nick laughed it off.
"Wanna go get the lollipop you earned anyways?"
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Ellie said slyly.

In Sloane's office

Right smack in the middle of Jack's desk was her jar of lollipops.
Ellie reached into the jar.
"Green!" Nick guessed which color lollipop Ellie would take.
Ellie was holding a green lollipop.
"How'd you know?!"
"I have my sources."
They both laughed.
"Hey, Nick..."
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Remember when you were hypnotized?"
"Sadly, yes. Why?"
"And you wrote something special for me." Ellie winked at her love.
"Yes? I was just hoping you had forgotten about that. I still want to know what it says!" Nick raises his voice a bit.
"I can tell by the tone of you voice." Ellie laughed it off.
"Sorry. I just- hey, what did you want in the first place?"
"I'm willing to read it to you."
"Yes. But not here."
"Where then?" Nick seemed concerned now.
"In bed."
"Nick, get your head out of the gutter! I was just joking. In interrogation. Somewhere more private."
"I see. My bad. I'm up for that if you're actually being serious."
"Yes, now let's go. Take the elevator first up and down floors. Let's stall some time."
Nick seemed to have mixed emotions.

In the elevator

"What are you gonna pull a Gibbs on me and stop the elevator?"
"You read my mind, baby."
"Ha. So why'd you want to kill time-"
Before Nick could finish what he was saying Ellie kissed him.
The two started kissing passionately.
Nick was shocked but has decided to show his love for Ellie. She deserved it.
"Wow. I love you!"
"Love you too, Nick. Now, let's get to the letter."
"Couldn't agree anymore."

In interrogation

"Is this even okay to do?" Nick asked worriedly.
"Probably not, but I'm sure Vance will understand."
"You ready, Nick?"
"Couldn't be anymore ready, Ellie."

(Ellie reading the letter)

A letter for my future love.
Eleanor Bishop,
As I am writing this letter for you I am feeling something unlike anything I have ever endured before. I hope you feel the same to some extent. But nevertheless, this goes out to you and only you. Since the first moment you heard my name you knew I was still alive. You believed in me and I didn't even know you yet. From Quinn joking that we came together from a date, to meeting your ex-boyfriend, from being my partner, I have always known we could be more. I have always known I would do anything I could do to keep you safe and be in your arms as one. We would be apart of shootouts and I would yell for you, to make sure I didn't loose you. We would have our plans made to assure we could take down these ruthless bad guys. You amaze me everyday when you turn down all these bad people and how horrid they can be and still hit on you. It angers me. It makes me want to strangle them till their death. They don't deserve to treat you like that. They don't deserve to hit on you, that's my job! Or it should be! I want to prove to you how much you really mean to me. I want to defy rule 12 with you. We see Gibbs and Jack everyday and we laugh about how they are totally dating, well, so who does that for us? I wish McGee would wake up and realize that his best friend is in love with his other friend. I love you Ms. Eleanor Freaking Bishop. I wish I could just marry you. You deserve someone to love you and I care so much for you. I would take my life to save yours. I want to wake up to your smiling face for ever and always. I want to hear your laughter fill up our future house together. I want to cook you breakfast and care for you when you're sick. I would quit NCIS just to be with you. If you are seeing someone else, I will prove to you everyday that I want you. I will fight for you Ellie. You are my one true love.
- Nick Torres

Ellie stopped reading.
Nick was crying and Ellie shed some tears.
"I read this everyday, Nick. I had come to my realization. I fought back for you."
"I- I don't remember any of that. H-how?"
"I don't know, Nick. But I'm sure glad we c-came together for once and for all."
"I couldn't agree more. I love you, Ellie."
"I love-"
Ellie's words had stopped.
Nick was frightened by this.
Nick was frantically yelling, "Ellie!"
Nick yelled her name again, "Ellie!"
Ellie started to fade away.
Nick was alone in interrogation.

Nick woke up from his dream panting heavily .

Just like the hospital. Same damn dream, again. Sh*t!

Note: I had so much fun writing this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it:)

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