Chapter 4: Nipple piercings

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The Fallon continued to walk while slowly taking in their surroundings. Along the way, they walked past a sign pointing further north, it read : [bridb djkdh].

"It seems we can't read the language here either... Let's follow the path and continue north"  Johnathon commanded.

At the end of the path, they found a mysterious dark cave. "We see a totally not dark cave and let's not go in," Clarissa said rhetorically and went ahead of everyone, skipping her way into the cave.

"Oh wow, it seems like a good idea, let's follow her," Wirt commented sarcastically.

Johnathon immediately facepalmed and followed them in with the others following behind. As they entered, they switched on their torchlights on their guns and looked around the cave.

The group proceeded to walk further into the cave. The cave seemed to grow bigger and darker. Suddenly, there was a low growl that sounded like a wild animal warning people to stay away. The Fallon jumped and looked around for the source of the growl but for some reason, even with their torchlight power on at 100%, the cave was still too dark for them to see anything 2 meters away from them.

Their footsteps echoed off the cave walls, making the cave seem even more ominous than it already was.

"Guyzz... There is a gorilla with eight legs hanging from the ceiling..." Vela cautioned, using her night vision tech installed in her mask.

Runari, with his bow, held out, looks through the night vision scope and fired a few of his poison-tipped arrows at the creature's skull and chest. It let out a deafening roar before collapsing to the ground, its limp body landing just in their limited range of sight.

As the group walked closer to the body, Clarissa and Wirt simultaneously burst out laughing hysterically. The creature had an arrow in his forehead and two arrows sticking out of its nipples. The sight made Vela smile maniacally while Johnathon just looked amused as per usual. Clarissa continued to laugh while Wirt regained his composure.

"I am going to get abs! Do you see that perfect placement of your arrows Run?" she cackled with her hands clutched tight to her stomach bending forward while trying to catch her breath. Meanwhile, Runari just stood there staring at Clarissa with a small smile and blushed lightly.

Runari composed himself and looked at the creature with questioning eyes, "Are there more?"

Clarissa's delirious laughter was cut short when they heard multiple resounding roars echoing off the walls of the cave.

"Umm... Should we... I don't know... Make a run for it?!" Clarissa shouts over the loud roars.

The squad made a break for the entrance where they came from and before they knew it, the roars had already gotten softer as they ran for their lives. The Fallon ran blindly, all except Velaxanna, who had a night vision mask, through the cave. It was dark and the exit was nowhere to be seen.

Out of nowhere, an arm reached out from the darkness and grabbed onto Wirt's leg, causing him to fall over to the ground.

Wirt yelped, "Aw hell no- oh. Hey, it's just a baby spider monkey!", he stared curiously at the creature clinging to his leg.

"Spider monkey?" Runari questioned.

"We have to call it something"  Wirt retorted.

It was a small ball of gorilla fluff with eight legs and it clung on tightly to Wirt's leg. Clarissa stared at the ball of gorilla fluff amused and cried out, "Aww... Look at it! It's so adorable!"

The Fallon was stunned by the baby spider monkey and didn't know what to do next. The next thing they knew, the roars started to get louder again and Runari exclaimed, "All right, just leave the little one and let's get out of here".

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