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Karin's P.O.V
I was already sleeping when I woke up on a dark purple skyscraper when I heard"He escaped and he's alive" someone said from behind. "Oh hey Kagetsu" I said smiling. "Both of them escaped and he is still alive" Kagetsu said worriedly "She'll follow you know, you know it deep inside." "Yeah I've been feeling it, she's slowly awakening" I said to my zanpakto. "You need to prepare for war" I was shocked at this because I don't get it, first who is he and this he escaped what? and who the hell is alive? then now I'm preparing for war? What's going on. "Kagetsu what's going on?" I asked but she was getting blurry when I snapped my eyes open I see Toshiro. "Hey Toshiro what's going on?" I said cause he looks like he's worried. What he said made me understand a part of what Kagetsu said, "Aizen Sosuke escaped" was the only words that escaped his mouth. That's when I saw a hint of anger in him. "You're not angry at Aizen for betraying Soul Society aren't you?" I said knowing that there is not only one reason he's mad at Aizen. "Momo always looked up to him" Toshiro said to me as if cooling down a bit then continued "She believed that he died so when he showed up well and alive she was overwhelmed but then he became our enemy forcing Momo to fight him making her more sad then using the power of his zanpakto which is hallucinations I accidentally stabbed Momo in the heart causing her to have a coma" he looks sad then he said "Hey Karin, why did you became a soul reaper?" I was slightly shocked then I said "I don't want to be helpless or on the sidelines only watching or being saved. I also wanted someone to lose some guilt cause he wasn't able to save me" "Oh" he said, I don't blame him if he suspected something but thankfully he didn't show it.


Toshiro's P.O.V
Hollows have been coming left and right. There are so many that nearly all of the Captains and leutenants are here in the world of the living. "Captain! Karin's being attacked by 4 arrancars" shouted Matsumoto. We immediately went to the sight to see Karin say "Getsuga Tensho!" Then some of the arrancars were injured by a light purple streak of light. I noticed that one of them was already dead while the other 3 were still attacking Karin, me and Matsumoto were already going to go and help her when Head Captain Yamamoto stopped us. "Head Captain Yamamoto why are you stopping us?" Asked Matsumoto "We need to see on how much enemies she can take" since it's an order we had to stay then the other Captains came along with their leutenant. There is one word that made us all look at her shocked. "Cero" Karin yelled as a black with dark purple outline came out of her hand completely destroying the 3 other arrancars then she fainted.

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