Suspicions To Strawberry and Midget

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3rd P.O.V
"Nii-sama will be furious" Rukia said while laughing. "We don't have to tell him immediately" Ichigo said already worried on what Byakuya will do to him when he finds out their engaged. "He might turn you into a strawberry pulp" Rukia said laughing more than the last. "Oh look we're infront of the school now" Ichigo said before holding Rukia's hand and walking to their classroom.


"Hey guys" Ichigo said to his friends. "Wow nice ring you got there Rukia, who's it from?" Chizuro asked. "Oh this is from my uh my um" Rukia said still thinking. "That's from her friend" Ichigo said quickly. "Hey Rukia why is the snowflake orange?" Orihime asked while pointing at Rukia's necklace. "The snowflake is orange because it reminds me of my friend" Rukia said smiling. "Huh Ichigo something is different from you than usual but I can't tell what" Orihime said pouting. "No way!" Mizuro said grinning. "Not only is Ichigo cheerful which is already out of the usual he also smiles a lot and he is covering for Kuchiki-chan" Mizuro said as if he just cracked a world famous case. "Spill the beans both of you, what's up" Uryu said. "Why is it wrong to be a little happy for once" Ichigo said a little annoyed. Then the teacher walked in the classroom and said "Alright class will start soon so get back to your proper seats".


"I want to tell him that I love him" Orihime thought to herself "But then again what if he doesn't love me, then it'll just make everything awkward between both of us. Oh what do I do". "Hey Orihime it's already lunch and I thought that you might want to eat with us" Rukia said to Orihime. "Oh sure" Orihime said. "I have rice, fish and ice cream for lunch" Orihime exclaimed. After they walked to the rooftop Orihime sat beside Uryu while Rukia sat beside Ichigo. Then to everyone's shock Ichigo gave a little part of his lunch to Rukia and said "I'm not that hungry" then Rukia put the food between her chopsticks in Ichigo's mouth and said "What were you saying?". Ichigo chewed it and said nothing after. Then after Chad, Mizuro, Keigo, Rukia and Ichigo left the rooftop the people who are remaining are Chizuro, Orihime and Tatsuki. "Do you think that Ichigo and Rukia have a relationship together?" Chizuro said out of curiosity. "Nah I'm sure it's nothing" Tatsuki said.

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