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Third P.O.V
"Ichigo, there is no such thing as a friendly hollow" Kaien said to Ichigo thinking that his twin brother has finally gone nuts. "Like I said there is one" Ichigo said having a stare off with Kaien. "I don't think we even need to check their DNA if they really are brothers" Captain Ukitake said looking at the twins. "I don't think so either Captain" Rukia said to her captain while looking at the arguing twins. "Will you two break it up!" Karin yelled at her two older brothers. "He started it!" both Ichigo and Kaien said pointing at each other. "Just get to the point Kurosaki" Soi Fon said. "Who? Me or him" Kaien said pointing at himself and Ichigo. "On last name basis Ichi-nii will be called Kurosaki, Kaien will be called Shiba" Karin said before continuing "Is that ok for you two?." "Sure" both brothers said in unison. "Good" Karin said. "Nelliel is the hollows name" Ichigo said, "She helped me and Rukia find and go to Las Noches to save Inoue, right Rukia?" Ichigo said smiling remembering on how they first met Nel. "Yes Ichigo" Rukia said confirming that Nelliel really is a good hollow, "She is quite a powerful hollow too according to Ichigo and Orihime" Rukia continued. "I think she was the the previous Espada number 3" Orihime said with a pouting face. "Well then I should probably open the portal then" Urahara said fanning himself.


After Urahara opened the portal from Hueco Mundo a woman emerged saying "Itsygo!" Nelliel said hugging Ichigo nearly suffocated him until Orihime said "Nel, you might kill him!" "Oh sorry!" Nelliel said. "Wait why are you fully grown?" Ichigo asked. "Oh I was able to control on what form I will take" Nelliel said, "By the way there is an arrancar who wants to join your side" Nelliel said before continuing to say "Come on out Atsushi." Everyone saw a girl a bit smaller than Karin, has menacing red eyes, pale skin, has her hair until her waist and the same shade of black as Karin's hair appeared right infront of them. "She is the Fracción of Espada letter X" Nel said making everyone confused, even Ichigo. "Allow me to explain, Espada letter X is the strongest Espada. Even stronger than the combined powers of the Espada's 1-10" Atsushi said before adding "By the way my full name is Atsushi Ume." "So what arrancar number are you?" Urahara said asking thinking that they can finally defeat Aizen. "I'm the arrancar number 11" Atsushi said smiling a little, slightly looking at Karin's direction. In return, Karin smiled wider looking at Atsushi's direction.
🌺End Of The Chapter🌺

🌆Important Author's Note: Atsushi is a made up character by me and you will see on what she might look like at the front of the chapter above the chapter title. Also the next chapter occurs at the same day as this chapter in this fanfic. I also did not draw Atsushi, she was made by WaterBlueGirl123. She is also a wattpad user but doesn't post stories. Thank you also for reading my story I really appreciate it ❤️. That's all.🌆

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