Ch.5, "The start of the... end of things"

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(this chapter is a little longer than the other ones(this one is ~1200 words, while the others are around 700), and it is a teeny tiny bit more angsty than the other parts so, hope you enjoy reading it. I also want to make longer chapters from now on.)

   Armageddon is about to start. Well, the small things. Like the aliens and the kraken and a nuclear power plant being fueled by a sherbet lemon. Meanwhile, our couple was resting in their bed, though it was indeed noon. They weren't sleeping though. Aziraphale was reading a book, and Crowley was simply lying on his shoulder.
   "It feels so peacefull... When I'm with you!"
   "Yeah, yeah, same. Could you not talk a lot? The story in this book is getting really interesting."
   "Okayyyyy" (said Crowkey, very disappointed-ly, if you could phrase it like that. ) "I'll go make breakfast".
   This won't be very suprising, but Crowley also liked food. Not as much as Aziraphale did, but the angel did influence him. The don didn't know a lot of dishes other than what's on the menu of The Ritz, and he was a little bit of a minimalist, so his favorite breakfast recipe was scrambled eggs (with smoked paprika and a bit of cheese). It would be good to mention that it's the kind of cheese that melts easily. He started mixing the eggs with a bit of milk. The sound of the fork was a little annoying, but the meal was so delicious and nutritious that it was worth it. Next thing you know he was already serving the eggs on two plates. A little bit of salt and... Done. Such a simple thought. And so much joy in his heart.
   Crowley started going upstairs, to the bedroom.
   "Hey, angel! I made scrambled eggs with che-".
   Air. He was talking to air. Aziraphale wasn't in the room. Where was he? In heaven? Was he in trouble? Did they find out? Is he going to... No, no, no, he won't. Such complicated thoughts. Do much sadness in his heart. So much worry for the love of his life.

   You might've thought a while ago "Heaven must be a wonderful place. And the people in there must be very nice." If you saw Gabriel's face, filled to the brim with silent rage, right now you would've probably thought: "I was very, very wrong."
   "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HE DOING IN YOUR BOKSTORE (Gabriel's still didn't know how to pronounce "book" right.)???"
   "I don't know." Answered Aziraphale with the coldest face possible. He normally has a warm smile over his face, but he was in the Spectator room, and he needed to be serious. A couple centuries ago, Heaven made a "Spectator room", a room which was nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Because it was everywhere, you could see everything and everyone that exists, if you were in that room. (Heaven's architects really tried hard on this one, their heads almost exploded.) Now because Crowley exists, he wasn't hidden from the eyes of Aziraphale and Gabriel, who were in the room at the time.
   "Why is he wearing a "kiss the cook" shirt, and why does he look so god damn relaxED!" It didn't even sound like a question, more like Gabriel shouting.
   "I don't know." Aziraphale said, with the most serious face ever.
   "ARMAGEDDON is about to staRT AND THERE'S A DEMON IN YOUR BEDROOM, FOR FUCK SAKE." It sure took a lot for an archangel to cuss.
   "Look, im going there and don't you dare move. Aziraphale, you're in big trouble." And within a snap, quite literally, because Gabriel's snapped his fingers, he was gone. Aziraphale's expression didn't change much but he couldn't hold it all in. It was clear that he was stressed out. His eyes were tearing up. He knew exactly what he had to do. He miracled his flaming sword in his hand. "I beg of you lend me the smallest portion of your strength, and let me fight for what i think is right. Let me fight for love." And with that, the flame around his sword grew ten times larger in size. Within a second, the whole room was burnt to the ground. Aziraphale was without a scratch, because his weapon has been designed not to hurt it's owner. At this point a tear rolled down his cheek. And another one.
   "Please don't die. Things just brightened up." said the angel with his voice cracking at the end of the sentence.

   "What is this burning i feel? Maybe it's Aziraphale? No, his aura is warm, and it only burns my skin a bit, without damage, like im touching something very hot. This feeling is equivalent to an Archangel being here. What if it's Gab-" Crowley's train of thought was stopped by a sound of footsteps on the first floor. He got so scared he dropped the plates. They shattered loudly on the floor. "I could hide. No. If i can sense him, he can sense me. No. No. No. Please, no. This can't be happening.
   "Where is he?" God, Gabriel sure had an accent that annoyed everyone. Most of the ithter angels are just pretending to nit get irritated by it because of reputation. "WHERE ARE YOU?" Gabriel went into the bedroom. He looked around. There was no one there. He couldn't even hear Crowley's breathing in the closet right next to him. "I'm not somewhere he can see me, and I'm close to the door. If he goes to the other side of the room... I'll be able to get out of here. Just demonically miracle myself right next to the door. He won't sense that little change. Just have to wait..." Gabriel went to the other side if the room trying to see where he scent is the strongest. "Not here." He turned around. "Must be the closet." But he was already too late. Crowley had already miracled himself just next to the door, but not in a spot where Gabriel can see him. "Do you think you're unpredictable? Oh coome oooon. Seriously? You are the stupidest thing i have ever see- sensed in this world. Your unpredictability is non existent. You're probably going to start running down the stairs, and then out of the bookshop. I'll gladly say we have two angels down there in the street, right next to here. Even if you get past me, you won't get past them. We don't know exactly how you look like, but if you try to escape we will see you. I wish everyone who has ever fallen could just perish. But then there wouldn't be Armageddon, and it would be no fun."
   Crowley just stood there in silence. He thought: "He doesn't see me but he knows im there. That's the power of an Archangel. Maybe if i hadn't fallen. Maybe this wouldn't happen. No. It definitely wouldn't. But I wouldn't have met him. Maybe they'll forgive him if i disappear. I'll do that. Just miracle myself to my place. They won't see my face. They will think i gave up. And i did. This is best for Aziraphale's safety." He didn't notice the angels coming upstairs. He didn't notice them seeing his face. He didn't notice them running up to him to restrain him. He just snapped his fingers the moment before they got to him. And he was back home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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