summer swing

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among the willows that huddled near the creek the reverberating shrill of summer cicadas chimed in amazing synchronicity with the chirps of grasshoppers and the hums of other beetles that inhabited the tall grass lining the creek, the sounds brushed past the streaks of space the willow's graceful arms had spared into a mere buzz. among the edge of the tall grass a bluish porcelain man lay taut on his stomach rather uncomfortably, his head was perched on the hot flat riverbed rock that overlooked the creek. his discomfort was devoid of all his attention, all his senses solely scrutinizing his wobbly shaking portrait in the glassy water. the face in the water looked painted against a dark green smudge speckled with fleeting daubs of white sunlight. this was private, a stunning execution of how uncertain he had felt in the endless, transient moments of his life which he prayed to cling onto. but here by the creek, everything around him was ever present. how lucky he felt to be here all of a sudden, perfect solitude, away from watchful eyes behind the protective veil of the willows. he was only crippled below his own observance. the stale warmth of the sun enveloped his body suddenly as warm unfamiliar arms whilst he rolled onto his back and closed his eyes. the warmth wavered on his skin as the leaves danced in a sultry breeze, it tickled him hehe. the stillness trembled in his mind, appearing as quivering uninvited memories of the past few months. he shifted, trying to nestle more into the moist patch of comfort he created. the images dissolved into pooling black dots, lulling him to sleep.

summer bummer hehe

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