Chapter 1: Everyone deserves a second chance

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[Note: this is shortly after Rapunzel's return, the cover doesn't match the timeline]

A few weeks after her return, Rapunzel decided to check in on Varian. She had learnt her lesson: friends don't leave friends behind. And she didn't intend to let Varian down ever again.

She arrived at their house and knocked on the door. Quirin opened it. His clothes were covered in dust, and his hair too. He held a saw in his right hand, and a piece of wood under his arm.

"Good afternoon, your Highness. I didn't know you were coming, otherwise I'd have cleaned up this mess in here." He coughed and looked around his house apologetically.

"Oh please, just Rapunzel." She said, smiling warmly.

"I see you are working hard on rebuilding the house, it's looking great already!"

Quirin smiled proudly.

"But how are you doing, Quirin?" Rapunzel asked, slightly more concerned. "shouldn't you take it easy?"

She thought back at the day they'd freed him from the Amber. That moment of pure happiness, when father and son were finally reunited. She still felt warm inside, remembering it.


After a few minutes, Varian pulled away from the hug and looked back at Rapunzel. She saw the joy in his eyes, but also fear and sadness. Rapunzel signalled that he didn't have to tell Quirin everything right away.

But Varian didn't want to be dishonest with his dad anymore. He sighed and turned back, lowering his head.

"Dad... I... I need to tell you something."

Tears started welling up in his eyes again. "I- I wanted to make you proud of me. But I failed-"

Quirin cut him short by placing a hand on his cheek.

"Son... I know. I have seen everything that happened."

Varian lifted his head in shock. His father had seen all the horrible things he'd done?

He tried to hold back his tears as he brushed Quirin's hand away, stood up and turned around. He spoke softly, barely audible: "then you must hate me."

Quirin stood up as well and put his hand on Varian's shoulder before he could walk away. Varian flinched. He yelled at his father, tears streaming down his face. "I'M SORRY! I'm sorry I'm such a pitiful excuse for a son!"

"No, Varian, no. You're not. I've seen just how driven you are. And I've seen how much you've grown in the past year. And I couldn't be more proud of you, son."

Varian sobbed once and tried to wipe away his tears. "I love you, dad."

"I love you too, son."


After that, Quirin had felt a bit dizzy, and he'd had to sit down. It was heart-warming how Varian rushed to get him blankets and tea. Rapunzel was sure that Quirin received better care than any of the royal medics could have provided.

But still, she wasn't sure if he should be up and working already.

Quirin laughed. "I thank you for your concern, your Highn- Rapunzel. But really, Varian is doing all the work here. He is unstoppable."

Rapunzel grinned. "That's exactly the Varian I know. Can I come in and make him take a break?"

"Oh, please! He never stops working unless I force him to take some rest!" Quirin threw his hands in the air in a desperate gesture, which made the princess burst out laughing.

"I better rescue him then."


Rapunzel entered the house.


No response.

She could hear noise coming from a room in the back of the house, and flung the door wide open.

"Hi, Varian!"

The look on his face was priceless. "Rapunzel! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

He put down his tools, and Rapunzel pulled him in for a hug. She could feel him tense up for a second. He wasn't really used to hugs, of course. Time to change that, she thought.

"How are you doing, Varian?"

"Great! We almost finished rebuilding the house, and then I'll help with restoring the village, if... if..." He trailed off. His face, which had lit up when she entered the room, was clouded with something Rapunzel couldn't quite figure out. Varian quickly covered it up by asking her a question. "Why are you here?"

"To check in. And to ask if you'd like to come with me to the Snuggly Duckling?"

"I- I- I don't know, Rapunzel." Again, that look.

"Come on, it'll be good for you. You can't spend all your time inside after all."

He remained silent, not meeting her eyes.

Then it dawned on her.

"Hey... the people in the pub are very nice, and they all believe in second chances. Everyone will forgive you, Varian. Don't lose hope."

He was looking at the floor, and whispered: "Everyone has always hated me. Even before all this."

He looked so sad, it almost made Rapunzel tear up. She placed her hands on his shoulders. "Not everyone, you know. It's time to make them see what a hero you are."

"Do you really believe that?" He glanced up, doubt in his eyes. But also a glimmer of hope.

"Absolutely. So... you'll come with me?"

"Okay, fine." He tried to sound indifferent, but couldn't hide a small smile.


It was way better than Varian had expected. The thugs greeted them cheerfully, trusting Rapunzel's judgement in people.

They sat down at a round table together and ordered some juice [YES]. Varian was timid and tense at first, but slowly started to relax as he noticed they were all genuinely nice to him, and didn't seem to hold a grudge. Rapunzel was right.

After some time, the princess decided it was time for some music. She hopped behind the piano and started to play. The thugs cheered and joined in with various instruments. 


The inn was filled with a wondrous tune that made the room seem to brighten. Rapunzel's hands swiftly moved over the battered piano, graciously bending the melody to her will.

Varian found himself staring at Rapunzel. Seeing her like this, so relaxed and happy, made him realize how much he had missed her; her smile, and how she could change the entire atmosphere in a second, by just being there.

Unable to look away, Varian gazed at her hands, mesmerized by how effortlessly she played. As the music filled his head and made him feel warm inside, a tingling sensation started to spread from his arms to his hands and fingers...




Just maybe...


He could learn that too?


Rise and unite - the piano duet [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora