Chapter 2: Would you like to give it a try?

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Rapunzel caught Varian staring and stopped playing. "Hey Varian, wanna give it a try?"

All eyes were on him now.

Varian felt his cheeks turn bright red and hastily responded "Nothankyou". Not with all these people here.

"Alright!" Rapunzel continued the song. But in the corner of her eyes, she could see Varian glancing down at his hands...


Varian had been unable to hide his excitement over the evening. After all, he'd never in his life experienced anything like it, a friendly atmosphere where he wasn't judged, but accepted. So they agreed to go again the next week. 


Varian saw Rapunzel coming and greeted her at the door. He'd hoped she'd come, but hadn't dared to actually expect it. Of course he trusted Rapunzel, but... he was just so scared to get hurt again. "I'm really happy you're here, Rapunzel. Who knew having real friends would be so much better than... well... you know..." He laughed half-heartedly.

"I know."

"You know, when we first met Andrew, he had all of us charmed. Well, actually, Eugene disliked him from the start. But that was because he was jealous." Rapunzel chuckled. "Cass was the only one who saw right through him." She sighed. "Cass. I should've listened to her." Rapunzel stared into the distance, distracted. Snapping back to reality, she added: "but I'm getting off topic, sorry."

Varian really wanted to ask Rapunzel what happened to Cass, but he could feel that it was a sensitive subject for her. So he kept silent about it.

What had caused this uncomfortable atmosphere?

They both shrugged the feeling off and continued to chat happily as they walked towards the inn.

There was no one.

But Rapunzel pushed the old, squeaky door open nonetheless, lit the candles, and started a fire in the fireplace.

"What are you doing?"

Rapunzel smirked and put her hands on her hips. "If I recall correctly, you are a brilliant young scientist, who is great at analysing things. So what do you think I'm doing?"

Varian was dumbstruck. For the first time in his life, he actually had no clue what was happening.

So Rapunzel walked over to the piano. "Wanna give it a try?"

Of course.

"You planned this, didn't you?"

She giggled. "I figured you had no idea about the Challenge of the Brave. Everyone is in the city today. Now, here's your chance! I know you want to try it."

Well, what can you do when the princess of Corona orders you to play the piano?

Varian shook his head, but still walked towards the stage and sat down next to Rapunzel.

"See, this" she showed him, "is the C-chord. This is the A-chord and this..."

Soon, Varian knew how to play all the basic chords while Rapunzel improvised a melody in the higher register.

"Great job, Varian! You're a natural!"

Varian blushed slightly at the compliment. "Heh, thanks. But now this 'natural' is getting tired." He stepped away from the piano, flexing his sore fingers. "Just how do you manage to do that for hours and still make it look so easy???"

"Practise. You'll get used to it."

You'll get used to it. Varian liked the sound of that. It meant they'd practise more often.

And they did.


In the following weeks, they went to the Snuggly Duckling often to practise. They'd arrive there in the afternoon, when it was empty, and stayed until the evening to sing and dance with the pub thugs (well, Rapunzel did. Varian tried to avoid attracting attention and never sang nor danced. He was fine with that, he enjoyed it. But a small part of him, ever growing stronger, longed to be onstage...).


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