Chapter 5: A little push

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"You know, I was hoping you'd sing someday. I knew you had an amazing voice."

It was one week later. Rapunzel, Varian and Quirin had had a long conversation that evening. It had been hard for Varian to open up about his feelings, but it really helped. He hadn't had any nightmares since, and didn't hear voices in his head anymore. The invisible barrier between him and Rapunzel had vanished.

Varian's cheeks turned pink. "How did you-"

"My mother told me."

Varian groaned. He hid his head in his hands in embarrassment.

"Oh no..."

"Do you still remember it?" She asked, a mischievous smile on her face. They were practically siblings now, so she figured she had the right to tease him a bit.

"As if I could ever forget" he responded in a muffled voice, not lifting his head.



"Soooo..... would you like to play it for me?"

Varian's face was bright red as he looked up. "Rapunzel, please, leave it."

She said nothing.





"I don't have a choice, do I?"


"Ugh, fine. But I need to play on the lower register." If he was going to humiliate himself in front of Rapunzel, he was gonna give it all he had.

"Oh wait, I almost forgot." Varian knew perfectly well that Rapunzel was teasing him. Well, two can play at that game, he thought. So he put out the fire and most of the candles. Rapunzel sat on a table nearby, expectantly.

He started to play.


Varian turned his head and smirked at Rapunzel. "Any moment now, your Highness."

Believe me, I know,
I've sunk pretty low
But whatever I've done you deserved!

Rapunzel couldn't conceal her excitement. She hadn't expected Varian to be this good, it gave her goosebumps. "Varian-" that's amazing! She wanted to say, but...


A shiver ran down her spine. Terrific? Terrifying.

I'm the bad guy, that's fine!
It's no fault of mine
And some justice at last will be served!

The words hit Rapunzel hard. She could precisely hear the doubt, fear, regret and determination in them, it made her shiver and brought her close to tears.

Now it's time to step up,
Or it's time to back down
And there's only one answer for me!
And I'll stand up, and fight!
Cause I know that I'm right!

And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready!
Ready as I'll ever be!!!

Varian let the last chord ring through for a few more seconds, and then turned to Rapunzel. His malicious grin had made place for a shy smile. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah... uhmm... that's kinda how it went, I guess."


Rapunzel just stared blankly for a few seconds, with open mouth. She still couldn't believe how Varian had seemingly switched personalities in a split second. To be honest, it had been quite unsettling. But also breathtakingly beautiful. It was as if he suddenly showed a different side, like a mirror, a side that wasn't him but was part of him at the same time.

"That... was... AMAZING."

"Yeah... well, I'm not proud of it."

"You should be! You are incredibly talented, do you know that?"

Varian blushed heavily.

Then the door flung open.

"So, what did we miss?" Lance and Hook Foot stood at the door opening.

"Nothing!" Varian was quick to reply. He sat at a table next to Rapunzel, trying to appear completely calm.

But they both noticed Rapunzel's surprised expression, Varian's red cheeks and the fallen piano chair.

Lance laughed. "One person is quite a small audience for a piano concert, kid."

Hook Foot added: "It sounded great, by the way! I'm not allowed to say this of course, but you play better than my brother!"

Varian mumbled something unintelligible, and looked like he'd really love to be able to disappear into thin air right now.


That evening...

"Sure you don't want to play something?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Rapunzel really wanted to help Varian with his stage fright, but didn't exactly know how. Well, she'd figure it out.


But in the following months, their visits to the Snuggly Duckling ceased because they had more important matters to tend to. Varian had locked himself into the Demanitus chamber to translate the scroll. And then Cassandra attacked.


He didn't understand it. But at the same time, he did. With the whole room falling apart around them, he could at least perfectly imagine how Cassandra's betrayal had felt for Rapunzel. But he didn't get why Cass would ever leave her best friend like that. Of course, he had done the same thing, but he really regretted it. And Cass was much older and wiser than him, right?


And now she was here.


Rise and unite - the piano duet [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now