35. First Night

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Jinyoung 💜

We arrived back from the hospital earlier today with baby Hyejin. She's doing good so far and settling into her life at home. Jinyoung and I are getting her ready for bed as we speak. I am sat in the chair in Hyejin's nursery giving her a feed. Jinyoung goes into her closet and gets her pjs out for tonight. "How about these ones, jagiya?" he asks. "Yep perfect" I reply. He puts her pjs on the changing table with a fresh diaper to put on when I've fed her. Jinyoung waits till I've finished feeding Hyejin. When I finished feeding her, I burped her and handed her to Jinyoung. "Hey, darling. Daddy is going to change you and get you ready for bed" he said. I smile. I lays her down on the changing table and changes her diaper and puts her pjs on. "There we go. I will hand you back to mommy now" Jinyoung said. He hands Hyejin to me and she falls asleep in my arms as I put her down in her crib. We waited until we knew she was asleep and then left the room quietly. "See that wasn't too bad" Jinyoung said. "Yeah" I reply. We go downstairs quietly and take the baby monitor with us. Hopefully Hyejin will sleep for a while. We had sometime together until Hyejin woke up again a couple of hours later. We went to bed shortly after too. The first night wasn't too bad. Hyejin is such a good little girl

BamBam 💙

Baby Maxwell has been sleeping for the last couple of hours. BamBam and I got home with him from the hospital earlier this afternoon. Things have been going well so far. He's been asleep for a while but he'll probably need a feed and change soon. We are both really tired. The first couple of days as parents have really taken it out of us but we'll be okay when we get some rest. I am kinda drifting off to sleep while sitting on the couch. "Are you okay, honey?" BamBam asks. "Yeah just tired" I reply. A few minutes later, Maxwell wakes up. "I'll go and check on him" I say. "We will both go together" he replies. We go into our room where Maxwell is sleeping. I can't really tell if he needs feeding or changing. A couple of minutes later, I realise he needs feeding. I sit down on the chair and feed him. "Can I get you anything, babe?" BamBam asks. "No thanks. I'm fine, love" I reply. He leaves me be to feed Maxwell. Half an hour and I have done feeding him. "Are you done?" BamBam said walking in a few minutes later. "Yeah" I reply. I change Maxwell as well before putting him back to sleep as I know he'll probably want to be changed as soon as I put him down. I settle him back down to sleep. It takes him a few minutes to fall asleep. We leave the room. "You're tired now, babe. Aren't you? I can see it in your face" BamBam said. "Yeah I'll go soon" I say. Shortly I head to bed and BamBam comes too. We were very quiet as we didn't want to wake up Max. He woke up a few more times during the night so we had to tend to him. I guess BamBam and I will get used to the night routine

Jackson ❤️


It's the middle of the night and me and Y/ N are in bed. Lily is too. We put her to bed a few hours ago. She's woken up once so far. Me and Y/ N are only half asleep as we are aware she'll wake up soon. We are taking it in turns to tend to Lily when she wakes up. It's around 3am and I hear a little cry so I wake up. Lily's crib is next to Y/ N so I get out of bed. Y/ N wakes up too. "Jackson, you didn't need to. I'm right here" Y/ N yawns. "No it's fine, baby. I got her" I reply. I gently lift Lily out of her crib and rock her. "I think you need a change, my love" I say. I go into Lily's room next door and change her. A few minutes later, I come back and she starts crying again. "She might need feeding. Hand her to me" Y/ N said. I pass Lily to Y/ N and she feeds her in bed. She said she was too tired to get up and sit in the chair and feed her. I get back in bed and lay down while Y/ N feeds Lily. It took her a while to feed her. "Is she all done?" I ask. "Yes" she replies. I put Lily back in her crib and she falls asleep soon after. I crawl back into bed and me and Y/ N fall asleep soon. Lily sleeps for a few more hours before waking up again. The first night wasn't too bad. Although we were tired by the time we got up in the morning. That's all part of being parents to a newborn though

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