Chapter 1

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Val's POV

Right now, I am in class. I am sitting next to my brother, Toby.

The whole class is in the middle of watching a documentary of Metro City.

During the documentary, it shows our dad, Dr. Tenma. It's pretty cool that he is the head of the Ministry of Science.

"Hey, Toby, Val, isn't that your dad?" One of our class mates asks us.

"It sure is." Toby answers while I just nod my head.

Our teacher, Mr. Moustachio, hushed my brother so they can pay attention to the documentary.

After a few more minutes, the documentary finally ended.

Mr. Moustachio walks towards his desk and says, "Okay, students. Ready for a pop quiz?"

Everyone, except for me Toby, start complaining about taking the pop quiz.

I was determined to get 100% on this quiz.

"Begin." Mr. Moustachio says.

We start the quiz and it seemed like everyone wasn't doing so good.

The test was easy for Toby and I, so we finished early.

We raise our hands and Mr. Moustachio looks at us.

"Yes, Toby and Val. Is there a problem?" Mr. Moustachio asks us.

"There's no problem. We're just finished and we'd like to leave." Toby answers for the both of us.

We start to walk towards Mr. Moustachio's desk to give him our quiz.

"Finished?" Mr. Moustachio asks in surprise.

"For rocket science, it wasn't exactly rocket science." I say as we give him our quizzes.

"Well, I don't suppose there's much point in you staying." Mr. Moustachio says to us.

"Good luck, guys." Toby says as we start walking to the door.

"You're going to need it." I say with a smirk.

A book was going to be thrown to us, but I used one of my wings to shield us.

We start walking out of the school, towards the car.

Once we go to the car, Orrin opens the door for us.

"Hello, Master Toby and Master Val. Did you have a good day at-" Orrin gets interrupted by Toby throwing his bag in the air towards Orrin.

"Think fast, Orrin." Toby says.

Orrin was just able to catch Toby's bag and says, "Thank you, Master Toby. Very good throw, by the way."

I get into the car after Toby and sit down.

Once the car drives away, a hologram form of dad appears next to us.

"Hello, son, daughter." Dad says to us.

"Hello, sir." Me and Toby say at the same time.

"How was school?" Dad asks us.

"Great." I answer.

"Mr. Moustachio dropped a pop quiz on us, but We're pretty sure we got 100%." Toby says after me.

I nod.

"That's good, very good, but I don't want you two to become complacent. It's important to keep studying. Onward and upward, Toby and Val." Dad says to us.

"Yes, Dad." I say.

"Sure, Dad." Toby says.

There was a few seconds of silence until Dad says, " I'm aware I said I'd take you to that symposium on quantum mechanics, but I'm afraid I have to take a rain check again."

I sigh in disappointment.

"But you promised." Toby says disappointed as well.

"I'm sorry, Toby, but it's unavoidable. President Stone has brought forward the unveiling of the Peacekeeper." Dad explains to us.

"The Peacekeeper?" I ask.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Toby says in amazement.

"I never kid. Goodbye, son, daughter." Dad says before disappearing.

It was silent for a little while.

"The Peacekeeper." Toby says quietly, but I was still able to hear him.

Toby then gets up and walks toward Orrin, who was driving the car.

"Hey, Orrin, change of plan. Take us to the Ministry of Science." Toby says to Orrin.

I look at Toby in shock.

"I'm sorry, Master Toby, but your father give me strict instructions to-" Orrin then feels Toby mess with his wires.

"Stop that! What are you doing back there? Hey! Hey!" Orrin yells.

Once Toby finishes, Orrin then obeys Toby's command to go to the Ministry of Science.

"Next stop, Ministry of Science." Orrin says before turning the car around.

I sigh and shake my head.

"What am I going to do with this kid?" I ask myself.

We were now heading to the Ministry of Science.

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