Chapter 20

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Third POV

The audience was cheering like crazy.

Hamegg was shocked to see this. He was now mad.

"Great! A love-in. Some big finale. I said fight!" Hamegg says as he uses the same device he used on Astro and zaps Astro.

Astro fall to the ground, but he gets up and says, "We won't fight."

"Fight!" Hamegg yells as he was going to zap Astro again.

Val sees this and goes in fron of Astro, taking the hit instead of him.

Val yells in pain and falls to her knees.

"That's enough!" Zane yells from the audience.

"What's the matter with you? They're just machines! They'll do what I tell them! What? I'm gonna get embarrassed by some souped-up hotshots from Metro City,..." Hamegg zaps in Astro's direction.

But once again, Val takes the hit for Astro and falls to the floor while yelling in pain.

"... and a 100-year-old bulldozer from New Jersey?" Hamegg was able to zap Astro this time.

Astro yells in pain as he falls to the floor.

"I don't think so! I'm turning you both off!" Hamegg shouts as he zaps Astro again.

Zog wasn't happy and stomps his foot, causing Hamegg to fall to the floor.

Zog then walks over to Hamegg and puts his foot on top of hima, about to step on him.

"Stop! The laws of robotics! You can't hurt a human! It's been that way for 50 years!" Hamegg yells to Zog.

"I'm old school." Was the only thing that came out of Zog before he put his foot down.

Everyone gasps.

But instead of Hamegg getting stepped on, Astro saves him by stopping Zog's foot.

Val was still on the floor in pain, but not as much as before.

"What kind of robot are you?" Hamegg asks surprised.

A moment later everyone looks up to see an air craft from Metro City land in the arena.

Val's POV

I finally stand up and see soldiers and President Stone come out of an air craft.

"Seize the rogue robot and Tenma's daughter and secure the area." President Stone commands the soldiers.

Two soldiers were coming to grab us but Zog picks them up and hold them in the air.

"Zog, stop! Put them down. It doesn't matter anymore" Astro says in sadness.

Zog puts the soldiers down.

Handcuffs were put on both of us, and we were being sent to the air craft.

We both look back at our friends in sadness.

Our friends look at us sadly.

"I'm sorry. I tried to tell you." Astro says as we keep walking.

I hear a growling sound behind.

We look back to see Trashcan biting on a soldiers leg.

"Hey, get off me, you dumb robot! Get off!' The soldier says as he kicks Trashcan off of his leg.

"It's okay, Trashcan." I say to him as I give him a sad smile.

Trashcan just whimpers while looking at us.

We get in the air craft and go back to Metro City.

We sit down in the air craft and look out the window.

I sigh as I look back at the arena.

This was it, Astro is going to be deactivated and I will never see him again.

It's going to be like losing Toby.

I didn't wan't this to happen.

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