three - coffee anyone ?

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tw : mentions of sick ! if you don't like sick (and i don't but it's nessicary to the stORY OKAY ?!) then please be weary about the this chapter !

he could've sworn it was something he had eaten.

whizzer was hunched over the toilet , grabbing into it for dear life as his dinner reappeared yet again.

his eyelids were trying to stay open as the clock passed 3am , and he rested his head on his arm as he tried to recollect himself.

"whizzer ?"

his eyes snapped open , and cordelia was standing there , robe lazily pulled over her shoulders and hair in quite a tangle. he let out a thin breath , trying to get the gut to force out words.

"go back to bed , delia , i'm f —"

before he could finish , his stomach churned and he was , yet again , heaving into the bowl as he shook his head slightly. delia ran to his side and rubbed his back , which was slick with sweat.

"jesus." he groaned as he sat back against the wall. his head was pounding , and all he could do is sit there.

there was nothing more to do.

"i've got chicken soup ? it usually helps." at the mention of this , his muscles contracted and he gags , even though nothing is left to come out , but he can keep it down.

or at least , that's what he keeps telling himself.

"m - maybe not" he offers her an unsure lopsided smile , and she gives him one back.

he is still shaking with shock , sweat pouring down his back , and he leans onto delia's shoulder , and closes his eyes only for a second , only to be nudged awake.

"c'mon , buddy , let's getcha to bed." the blonde's voice is soft and low , and the small dorm is dimly lit by the moonlight as they walk - well , for whizzer , they stumble - through the halls to get to the bedrooms.

his whole body is shaking , teeth chattering , as he slowly lowers himself onto his bed. delia hurries into the kitchen , grabs a bowl , damp washcloth and a glass of water and speeds back to his room. she passes him the bowl to keep on the side , he wipes his mouth with the damp washcloth and sips the water gratefully.

he breathes out heavily , thanks delia , and lulls himself off to sleep.


whizzer groggily opens his eyes due to his phone vibrating. his stomach feels like it's full of led , weighing him down and making him dizzy. he reaches over , and answers the call.

"hello ?" his voice is hoarse from the previous night and his mouth is immensely dry.

"whizzer ? are we still on for today at the café ?"


he shoots up , phone rested between his head and shoulder , and tries to find an outfit , all while rambling to marvin.

"yeah ! oh god yeah i was just - no that's shit - grabbing some breakfast - why the fuck do i still have that - uh , my phone , uh , clock isn't w - working , what time is it ?"

he could've sworn he heard marvin chuckle on the other line.

"it's 9:45 , whizzer , are you sure you're okay ?"

"fine ! fine , yeah , just finishing up my t - toast ... one second marvin !" he put the phone on mute , and not a second later , delia came rushing into the room.

"you're late !"

"no shit sherlock !"

"heere , put this on !" delia chucked a long sleeved blue polo and white jeans at him , and hurried him into his room , phone in hand.

he was finished in no time , grabbed some keys , phone , and made a dash for the coffee shop.

when he got in , the smell of coffee hit him like a truck , and his stomach churned , liquid rising in his throat. but he swallowed it down ,screwing his eyes shut , took a breath , and moved on. he saw marvin by the window , scrolling on his phone. whizzer breathed a sigh of relief , fixed his hairline , and walked casually over.

"marvin ! sorry i'm so late !" he smiled bashfully , and sat down opposite the curly haired man.

"whizzer ! did you want a drink ?"

he breathed out steadily. then again , he could get a ginger tea , which helps with upset stomachs.

"sure. could i get a ginger tea please ?"

"yep !" marvin stood up , and went to order the drinks as whizzer steadied his breathing.

in , out , in , out —

he gagged again , and dashed to the nearest bathroom stall , harshly rubbing his chair legs on the wooden floor in the process.

he heaves , but nothing is able to come out. his throat is burning , and his whole body is shaking.

"whizzer ?!"

"in heere." whizzer calls our weakly , before dry heaving again. he takes a deep breath and looks at marvin through bleary eyes.

marvin gets into his knees and rubs whizzers back. his breaths are shaky and his hands are slightly trembling as they trace patterns up and down whizzers spine , which calms him.

"i'm sorry" he whimpers , sitting against the bathroom wall.

"don't be , you have nothing to be sorry for." marvin cooed , making eye contact with the other man.

"do you - do you want to go home -"

"n - no ! agh , fuck , marvin i'm so sorry i ruined this i - i don't know what happened to me , i -"

"it's not your fault ! hey , we all get ill , some more intense than others , but it's completely fine ! you didn't ruin it , whizzer , i promise ! look , anytime with you is amazing."

whizzer blushed immensely.

"really ? cause , you'll probably get bored of me , not gonna lie." whizzer said , causing the both of them to chuckle , and whizzer to cough slightly.

"look , you're really ill , and ill people need love - and need to be taken care of ! so , me and delia will look after you , take a couple days off work , and take time to get better !"

whizzer was close to tears at this point.

"you - you care about me that much ?"

"whizzer , i can come back with you if you want me to ?"

his voice was shaky as he spoke.


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