Chapter 1, Baste Prison

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Chapter 1, Baste Prison

(You are new and work together with Jericho)

"Report from the palace, sirs." You and Jericho is bowing down showing respect while she's telling the others about the breaking news. "Two members of the Seven Deadly Sins were found in the Forest of White Dreams." She says without stuttering. "It is believed that they are likely to come steal that man." (HMM I wonder who..) "Oh my!" A woman suddenly says while playing chess at the same time. "The Seven Deadly Sins are finally coming, are they?" Holy Night Freesia, it was her speaking, who now looks at Jericho. The man Freesia is playing chess with now speaks up, and he's name is (JOHN CENA) Holy Knight Golgius "Will they come straight here or stop at that nearby town? Either way, we should prepare something to welcome them."

"Darn you Golgius, you always make the most unpleasant moves." She made him quiet for a few seconds. "..your move, Freesia." "Sirs?" Jericho interrupts them since they started to talk to each other, not to her, while you are just all quiet. "There is no cause for concern, Jericho." Freesia says, (I'm getting lazy right now so I'll just write this in a short way)

continuing talking about that the prison is "strong" and that it won't be that easy for the sins and then Holy Knight Ruin comes and says it's safe when they are there and Jericho agrees nervously and Holy Knight Jude says that he's doubting about the sins coming and Freesia doubts as well that Ban is worth the risks and blah blah blah....

*time skip*

The guards who is guarding (wow what a surprise) Ban is talking to each other of how they treat Ban in an unfairly way and one of them almost feels bad for him, the legend called the Sin of Greed. They say that he hasn't seen the sun in 5 years, he is stuck in pain until he dies (whaaaaat he can't die dude) and barely gets food enough. He can't even move or talk! Poor thing, no one says that, they think he deserves it, besides some who is now on their way to save him.

*humming* "Humming?" Asks one of them. "Where's that coming from?" Asks the other one, both of them looking around themselves. It's Ban, but they don't know that yet. It becomes quiet and they doesn't seem to be bothered anymore since they don't hear the humming anymore.

"Hey, wanna bet on who wins?" "Between who?" "Between the Weird Fangs and the Seven Deadly Sins!" The one of them who got asked got quiet for a second or two. "They're fighting in the town now, aren't they? It's not even worth betting on. The Seven Deadly Sins just have their captain and one more, right? They have no chance against the Weird Fangs-" "Hey! That's pretty interesting." Says one that is neither of the guards voice. They both jumps in surprise and goes some meters away from the door that has Ban behind it to see where it comes from, but meanwhile not walking too far away from him. *BANG* The door slams down even though it weighs a lot. They got so confused and had a very big, terrifying expression on their face. "N-no way!" One yells. "It can't be..!!" The other one yells higher. The one they are now facing, coming out from the shadows of that door, is the Sins of Greed, Undead Ban.

I hope you enjoyed this so far! It's not an x reader yet but will be soon :>

Until next time, bye ( 601 words)

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