V - New Syllabus

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HARU, RED, MAK AND THE rest of their friends from their class all exchanged looks when they entered the room Kio told them to go to instead of their usual classroom on Wednesday morning. They thought they were just changing rooms because their current classroom seemed a bit too small for their large class, but when they entered the room Kio told them to go to, they were surprised to find themselves inside the school's Battle Arena, a place only Junior Senshis or higher are allowed access to. And it wasn't just where they were that surprised Haru and his friends: Nate and the others from Quincy's class were also there; their class entered from the entrance across the Arena.

"What's going on?" Lulu whispered, leaning closer to Haru as she fell into step behind him and his friends.

"I have no idea," Haru answered.

"Is this normal having the two classes together?" Rogue asked, his eyes watching the approaching other class's students wearily.

"This is the first time Senshi-in-Trainings are allowed inside the Arena," answered Ori.

"Also, this is the first time both senior classes are in the same room during class hours," added Rin, looking over his shoulder in search of his brother. He wanted to ask him exactly what was going on and why both classes are here.

"Are we all in trouble?" asked a worried Wendy, chewing on her bottom lip as she fall into step between G and Steel.

"I don't think any of the usual troublemakers has caused any disturbance lately," Sting said.

"Yeah, those jerks have been quiet lately, especially after they received a near thrashing from us the last time they threatened to rearrange our faces," Steel growled.

"I don't think that's it," Inigo said, his eyes carefully assessing the two instructors who appeared down in the middle of the Arena. "We better find our seats 'coz we're about to find out what's going on," he told his friends and shooed them all towards the bleachers where their other classmates are already finding seats.

Across from them the other class's students were also filing in to their own seats.

Once everyone was settled in their chosen seats, Kio and Quincy addressed both classes.

"We're aware that you're all wondering why you're here," Kio began, looking from one side of the bleachers to the other. "As you're all aware, Henseichimu is coming up in two months' time," he reminded everyone.

An eerie hush fell inside the arena at the mention of the most anticipated ceremony every senior student at the Academy looks forward to. It was the make-or-break of their career as a Senshi. Those who do not make the cut to become Junior Senshis are done for the rest of the school year and automatically sent back to repeat their last two years at the Academy until they pass the Henseichimu to move on to the next level in their training.

"This year we're changing things up a bit for the senior classes," Quincy took over addressing the two classes from Kio. "And here to explain these changes is the Educational Director herself, Ms. Kona," he introduced and gestured towards the arena ground entrance.

Every students' attention turned to the direction their teacher pointed out and watched as the not-often-seen Educational Director stepped out and joined the two senior class homeroom teachers on the floor.

"Whoa, who's that chick?" Steel gawked at the dark brown haired woman walking out on to the arena floor wearing a long sleeved half shirt tied at the front by her midriff, showing off a shapely torso. What she was wearing looked unprofessional, especially given she was about to address a large group of hormonal high school seniors, but the Educational Director doesn't seem to care that what she wore to today's assembly could be construed as a sexual attire instead of businesslike.

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