xv - Face the Music

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I am sure you are all aware on why you were summoned here today," Kash stood before the eighteen students assembled in the large boardroom inside Chiji Tower. It has been three days since the incident during the second half of the Henseichimu that was once again cancelled due to the unexpected attack during the finals.

People were starting to think that this year's Henseichimu was cursed.

Unlike the first attack, they can't hide the truth behind it this time from the public since everyone saw it was one of the students who rampaged and attacked the audience. Rocco's parents were quickly brought in for questioning as soon as his rampaging began and had been detained in the holding cell inside the Elite Force HQ the next building over since.

Rocco was put under a medical coma after Haru and his team subdued him.

It wasn't an easy battle; a few of the guys who fought in the front line sustained injuries – Haru included – against the force of Rocco's amassed chakra level, but thanks to a last ditch effort between the Slayers and their Rida, they were able to pull off a Unison Raid (a spur of the moment move that neither one of them used before or was even aware they were able to use) using essence of Dragon Force, a very advanced level of jutsu that only Slayers and Ridas who has mastered the Dragon Force can pull off. It was a powerful attack, combining all the strengths of the Slayers and their Rida without them actually going into full Dragon Force mode, packing it into a large punch and sent Rocco flying almost through the stone roof of the arena.

"Yes, sir," the students answered in unison.

Behind them stood their homeroom teachers and the Mudaris present during the attack.

Kio and Quincy remained in the building to lend support when they found out that not all of their students evacuated when they were told to do so, and saw firsthand what their students were capable of doing. They were soon briefed in on the situation involving their transfer students and why they were capable of what they witnessed them do. They were only told of where the transfer students were from and what they were capable of, but neither Kio nor Quincy were informed of who Haru was; it was Kash's decision to omit that information from being shared with the two Senior Senshi instructors since it was a need-to-know information only and neither instructor needed to know any more than what was shared to them.

Kona and Tenzo were also in the room, standing behind the Chiji this time as he addressed the eighteen students who defied direct orders from their superiors.

"First, I commend you all for the strength and ability you showed during the crisis involving one of your classmates," Kash began, stopping his pacing and faced the students. "You lot fought a good fight and actually subdued the attacker," he added, watching a few nervous smiles from the female students and a few smug smirks from the male students.

"However," Kash continued, garnering the attention of the students once again, "you lot also didn't follow direct orders, and as a senshi, following rules and direct orders are a must in order to survive, especially since you lot are all in training still." His tone got sterner and sterner as he continued to scold the students, whose initial bravado soon turned to cringes as they realized the weight of their actions.

"A-are we in trouble then?" Ru was the only one brave enough to voice out that question.

Kash turned his attention and met his nephew's gaze head-on. He didn't say anything, but Ru got the gist and swallowed quite audibly.

"We are, huh?" he chuckled nervously.

"I take full responsibility, Lord Chiji," Haru spoke up, addressing Kash formally as opposed to his usual informal use of address, garnering the attention of everyone in the room. "If anyone's in trouble, it's all on me. The others have nothing to do with it. I was the one who ignored direct orders."

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